Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB
Vol 5, No 4 (2014)


AYUBADIAH, FITRAHNANDA (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Jul 2014


Key words: speech act, apology strategies, gender This study is aimed to find out the apology strategies used by students ofEnglish Department Universitas Brawijaya. There were two problems of thestudy: (1) what are the types of apology strategies used by male and femalestudents of English Department Universitas Brawijaya and (2) what are the factors that facilitate the differences of apology strategies used by male and female students of English Department Universitas Brawijaya.This study used qualitative approach since the data collected are in the form of sentences. This research design was content analysis since this study analyzed the utterances of male and female students. Ten students consisting of 5 male and 5 female students are chosen with certain criteria.This study found there are four strategies used by male students namely (1)explanation or account of situation, (2) expression of apology, (3) offer of repair, and (4) acknowledgement of responsibility. Female students use six strategies namely (1) expression of apology, (2) explanation or account of situation, (3) offer of repair, (4) acknowledgement of responsibility, (5) promise for forbearance and (6) concern for hearer. The result reveals that male and female students tend to use different strategies in making apology. Male students tend to use explanation or account of situation strategy while female students tend to use expression of apology strategy. Female students use acknowledgement of responsibility strategy toward friends more while male students only use this strategy toward lecturers. Direct offer of repair are mostly used by male students.The factors that facilitate the use of different apology strategies are femaleusually involves personal feeling, emphasizes in intimacy and solidarity andapologizes for light offences whereas male uses logical thinking, emphasizes inpower and status and prefer getting or giving solution rather than to sympathy.The writer suggests the next researcher investigate apology strategies fromdifferent aspects: ages, social status and so on. The next researcher mayinvestigate the differences in apology responses especially in using BahasaIndonesia. Last, the next researcher can use other theories about apology strategiesclassification.

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