Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama
Vol 13, No 1 (2017)


Rahmadi Agus Setiawan (Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarya)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jul 2018


Study of religion and territory (space) is a new phenomenon in recent dec­ades along with the tendency of religious studies that change from normative to con­tex­tual approach. Plosokuning village as a religious area becomes research ob­ject that examines the relationship between religion and space. Furthermore, this re­search will explore how this religious region is formed and how it affects the beha­vior of the people in this village.This study uses a social theory known as the production of space proposed by Henri Lefebvre. In this theory, space is a social production, and always related to the social reality that surrounds it. Space never existed and manifested itself or held itself. In other words space has a historical dimension that helped shape it. The social space also influences the way of thinking and acting of society that exists in the space, as well as uses as control and domination.From the historical approach, it is found that the religious area of Plosokun­ing is a product of the palace (kraton Yogyakarta) that makes Plosokuning as a mutihan area (place of worship). This religious area is intended as a bastion of the spirituality of the palace and the implementation of the royal philosophy known as Kiblat Papat Lima Pancer. In this philosophy, the palace is in the middle and sur­rounded by a spiritual fortress in the form of four Pathok Negara Mosques, one of which is the Pathok Negara Mosque in Plosokuning.The religious area of Plosokuning, which is a palace product, has an influ­ence on the Islamic religiosity of the Plosokuning community. This religious beha­vior can be proved by the emergence of cultural products, both tangible and intangi­ble cultures. Tangible cultures are like the emergence of some boarding schools (pesantren), some musholla (small mosques), Muslim housing, and majelis ta'lim (place for Islamic studies). While intangible culture such as the emergence of Is­lamic art, religious rituals, as well as Islamic religious norms in society. Plosokun­ing as religious area continues to be inherited from generation to generation by continu­ing to revive the Islamic culture, both tangible and intangible culture.The study of the Plosokuning community also shows a strong relation be­tween religious space and the behavior of the people. By the existing of the reli­gious area,  so the sacred character of religion becomes strong in the environment of Pathok Negara Mosque Plosokuning. As a sacred area, it becomes a shame (ta­boo) when people conduct behavior or actions that violate Islamic norms and tradi­tions. The social function of this religion is also reinforced by giving social sanc­tions for people who violate the teachings of Islam. Keywords: Islam, production of space, sacred, Yogyakarta.

Copyrights © 2017

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Religion Humanities Social Sciences


Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama is an open access peer reviewed research journal published by Department of Religious Studies, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. Religi: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama is providing a platform for the researchers, academics, professional, practitioners and students to impart ...