Jurnal Pari
Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Desember 2019


Yupi Royani (Pusat Data dan Dokumentasi Ilmiah LIPI)
Rochani Nani Rahayu (PDDI LIPI)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Feb 2020


ABSTRAK:Pemahaman Pejabat Fungsional Pustakawan PDII LIPI tentang Reformasi Birokrasi (RB) ditelitimenggunakan metode survey melalui pertanyaan yang disampaikan dalam kuesioner kepada 30orang responden. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman RB khususnya definisi,tujuan, dan manfaat, serta slogan dan tujuan dibuatnya slogan. Kuesioner yang kembali sebanyak26 buah, setelah dilakukan pengolahan data secara kualitatif didapatkan hasil sbb. Respondenyang “tahu” tentang definisi RB sebanyak 84,60 %, tujuan RB yang tahu sebanyak 88,40%, sloganRB sebesar 46,15%, tujuan slogan sebesar 53,85%, manfaat RB 30,77%. Kesimpulan penelitianadalah pejabat fungsional pustakawan PDII LIPI mengetahui definisi dan tujuan reformasi birokrasi,namun lebih dari separo (69,20%) kurang mengetahui tentang manfaat reformasi birokrasi. Hampirseparo dari pejabat fungsional pustakawan PDII LIPIbelum mengetahui keberadaan slogan/motto / reformasi, beserta tujuan dibuatnya slogan tersebut. Disarankan agar dilakukan sosialisasiserta evaluasi secara berkesinambunganABSTRACT:Understanding of Functional Officers of the PDII LIPI Librarian on Bureaucratic Reform (RB)asked to use the survey method through the questions submitted in the questionnaire to 30respondents. The purpose of this study was to find out an understanding of the resolution, goals,and benefits, as well as the slogans and objectives they made. Questionnaires were returned asmany as 26 pieces, after processing data qualitatively, the following results were obtained.Respondents who “knew” about RB resolution were 84.60%, the purpose of RB who knew was88.40%, the slogan of RB was 46.15%, the goal of the slogan was 53.85%, the Benefits of RB were30.77%. The conclusions of the study were librarian functional officials in the resolution andobjectives of bureaucratic reform, but more than half (69.20%) were unaware of the benefits ofbureaucratic reform. Almost separated from functional officials, the librarian PDII LIPI has notfound the slogan / motto / reform, along with the purpose of making the slogan. It is hoped thatongoing socialization and evaluation will be carried out.

Copyrights © 2019

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Humanities Computer Science & IT Library & Information Science Social Sciences


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