JECIES: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Study
Vol 1, No 1 (2020): edisi MARET


Aas Siti Sholichah (Institut Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur’an)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Mar 2020


This article will explain the urgency of early childhood character education in neuroscience review. The methods of research used are qualitative methods with a library approach. Neuroscience is a science that studies and specializes in scientific to the nervous system. In the study of early childhood neuroscience is a golden age in the process of human growth. Brain tissue cell growth in children aged 0-4 year reaches 50%, up to 8 years of age reached 80%. The rapid development of the brain along with the child's physical growth. In early childhood, the unconscious mind is functioning since the womb until age 5 years. The unconscious mind has the function of storing, habits, emotions, long-term memory, intuition, personality, creativity, belief, perception and value. The physical fact of the unconscious mind can be proved when the baby is crying that can be calm in the dethe mother, because since the baby is already acquainted with the figure of his mother through the uterus and heart rate. When viewed from its fugness, the subconscious mind serves to form a character.Keywords: Early childhood, Neuroscience, Character Education. ABSTRAKTulisan ini akan menjelaskan mengenai urgensi pendidikan karakter anak usia dini dalam tinjauan neurosains. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan. Neurosains adalah ilmu yang mempelajari dan mengkhususkan pada saintifik terhadap sistem saraf. Dalam kajian neurosains anak usia dini merupakan masa keemasan dalam proses tumbuh kembang manusia. pertumbuhan sel jaringan otak pada anak usia 0-4 tahun mencapai 50%, hingga usia 8 tahun mencapai 80%. Pesatnya perkembangan otak tersebut bersamaan dengan pertumbuhan fisik anak. Dalam tahap anak usia dini, pikiran bawah sadar berfungsi sejak dalam kandungan sampai usia 5 tahun. pikiran bawah sadar memiliki fungsi menyimpan, kebiasaan, emosi, memori jangka panjang, intuisi, kepribadian, kreatifitas, keyakinan, persepsi dan nilai. Fakta secara fisik pikiran bawah sadar ini dapat dibuktikan ketika bayi menangis yang bisa tenang dalam dekapan ibunya, karena semenjak dalam kandungan bayi sudah mengenal sosok ibunya melalui rahim dan detak jantung. Jika dilihat dari fugsinya, pikiran bawah sadar berfungsi untuk membentuk karakter.

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Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


ECIES: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Study is a journal focuses its scope on the issues is research, study and analysis related to early childhood include; development of moral and religious values, physical motor development, emotional social development, cognitive development, ...