Jurnal Midwifery
Vol 3 No 1 (2021): FEBRUARY


Nurul Khaerunnisa (Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar)
Sitti Saleha (Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar)
Jelita Inayah Sari (Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Feb 2021


Pendahuluan bendungan asi adalah suatu kejadian dimana aliran vena dan limfatik tersumbat, aliran susu menjadi terhambat dan tekanan pada saluran susu ibu dan alveoli meningkat. Kejadian ini biasanya disebebkan karena air susu yang terkumpul tidak dikeluarkan sehingga menjadi sumbatan. Pada umumnya benudngan asi terjadi sejak hari ketiga sampai hari keenam setelah persalinan, ketika asi secara normal di hasilkan. Gejala yang sering muncul pada saat terjadi bendungan asi antara lain payudara bengkak, payudara terasa panas dan keras dan suhu tubuh ibu sampai 380C. Berdasarkan dari penelitian dan buku bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan untuk penatalaksanaan ibu nifas dengan bendungan asi yaitu pemeriksaan tanda-tanda vital seperti tekanan darah, nadi, suhu dan pernapasan, melakukan konseling tentang diet seimbang untuk ibu nifas dan menganjurkan ibu untuk rutin melakukan perawatan payudara serta sering mengosongkan payudara. Kesimpulan dari literatur review ini didapatkannya ibu nifas dengan bendungan asi. Jika dilakukan penatalaksanaan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan keadaan ibu nifas dengan bendungan asi maka akan didapatkan hasil evaluasi dengan keadaan ibu baik tanpa ada penyulit dan tidak ditemukannya komplikasi atau masalah pada ibu. ABSTRACT Introduction Breast dam is an increase of venous and lymph flow in the breast when preparing for lactation. As a result of an increase of breast veins and lymph’s flow during the process of lactation, breast engorgement could occur. The breast engorgement can be caused by irregular patterns of breast feeding. This irregularity causes milk to clog around the milk ducts and makes breast swell. Commonly, in normal condition, this problem occurs on the third day to the sixth day after delivery. The major symptom of this problem was the engorgement of breast where the mother would suffer from fever above 38 degree and felt the pain and hard on her breast. From a number of different literature and resources such as books and hournal, it was apparent that the treatment given to patients with breast dam consisted of examing the vital signs of the patient such os blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiration. In addition, counseling should also be given in wich information related to balanced diet as well as breast caring tips were given. In order to help the healing process of the patient, patients are suggested to feed their babies regularly. Conclusion This research investigated midwifery care management on patients with breast dam and was conducted through 7-stages of Helen varney midwifery care treatments, patients with breast dam could be well recovered in which no problmes and compiations qould be found

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Health Professions


Jurnal Midwifery is accepting papers related to midwifery articles cover the cultural, clinical, psycho-social, sociological, epidemiological, education, managerial, workforce, organizational and technological areas of practice in preconception, maternal and infant care, maternity services and other ...