Ejurnal Pendidikan Fisika Tadulako
Vol 8, No 3 (2020): E-Jurnal Pend. Fisika Tadulako

Mengungkap Pemahaman Konsep Gerak Lurus melalui Asesmen Four-Tier

Setiawan, Doni (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Dec 2020


This study aims to describe students' understanding of linear motion concept by providing web-based learning media with scratch simulation. The study was conducted using a four-tier diagnostic test. This research was an experimental research. The research was conducted at the Nahdlatul Ulama High School in Tegal City. The research samples were 23 of science students (MIPA) of grade 10th as the experimental class and 28 social science students as the control class who were taught using PowerPoint. Learning was constructed online with zoom meeting application. The research stages included: (1) Reviewing concept understanding research journals; (2) Assessing the syllabus to obtain misconceptions about the linear motion material; (3) Designing a four tier test question instrument; (4) Expert validation of two physics lecturers; (5) Test students' conceptual understanding. The results of experimental class indicated that 13.52% of students understood concepts, 24.46% of students had misconceptions, 23.95% of students did not understand concepts, 38.5% of students understood partially, and 4.3% of students could not be coded. Meanwhile, in the control class, it was found that 13.28% of students understood concepts, 25.38% of students had misconceptions, 25.58% of students did not understand concepts, 38.61% of students understood partially, and 3.6% of students could not be coded. The most dominant misconception is in the free fall motion section, where students assume that if two balls dropped vertically downwards simultaneously at the same height in different ways, they will not reach the ground at the same time. 

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Education Physics


JPFT (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Tadulako Online) merupakan jurnal elektronik open access yang bertujuan untuk mempublikasi hasil-hasil penelitian terbaru dalam area pendidikan khususnya pada bidang pendidikan fisika meliputi asesment pembelajaran, model pembelajaran dan pengembangan perangkat ...