Jambi Medical Journal "Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan"
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): JAMBI MEDICAL JOURNAL Jurnal Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan


Fuad Khadafianto (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Nov 2020


Pendidikan dokter di Indonesia saat ini sudah memiliki standar kompetensi sebagai acuan kompetensi lulusan dokter berupa standar kompetensi dokter Indonesia (SKDI). Sebagai proses pendidikan yang paling akhir sebelum menempuh UKMPPD, pendidikan tahap profesi sangat diharapkan mampu memberikan bekal pengetahuan, keterampilan maupun perilaku bagi mahasiswa sebagai bekal untuk mengikuti UKMPPD. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengkaji hubungan antara masing-masing komponen nilai tiap stase pendidikan tahap profesi dengan kelulusan UKMPPD. Metode penelitian ini adalah observasional kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Subjek yang digunakan adalah 135 mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia tahun angkatan 2011 dimana subjek sudah melaksanakan UKMPPD dan merupakan first taker. Hasil yang diperoleh dari beberapa aspek penilaian profesi dokter, Ujian tulis, OSLER, nilai total dan minicex berhubungan dengan luaran nilai CBT UKMPPD (p=0.000;p=0,019;p=0,002;p=0,001) sedangkan utul, OSLER, dan nilai total berhubungan dengan luaran nilai OSCE UKMPPD (p=0.000; p=0,000; p=0,000). Kata kunci: Pendidikan profesi, Ujian Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter (UKMPPD). Abstract Currently, medical education in Indonesia has a standard as a reference to assess competency for new medical doctor, namely standar kompetensi dokter Indonesia (SKDI). It is hoped that the clinical clerkship, the last educational process before taking national board examination, will be able to provide knowledge, skills and behavior for students before taking national board examination. This study intends to examine the relationship between each component of the scores for each stage of education at the clinical clerkship and passing national board examination. This method is quantitative observational with cross sectional approach. The subjects used were 135 students of the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia in class of 2011 where the subjects already done national board examination and they were the first takers. The results obtained from several aspects of the assessment of the clinical clerkship, written exams, OSLER, total score and minicex scores were related to the CBT score output (p=0.000; p=0.019; p=0.002; p=0.001) while written exam, OSLER, and total score related to the OSCE score output (p=0.000; p=0.000; p=0.000). Key Words: Clinical clerkship, clinical rotation, National board examination.

Copyrights © 2020

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Medicine & Pharmacology


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