Jurnal Anestesi Obstetri Indonesia
Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Maret

Tatalaksana Anestesi pada Operasi Obstetri dengan Covid-19

Isngadi Isngadi (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang)
Rafidya Indah Septica (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta)
Susilo Chandra (Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 May 2020


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan masalah utama kesehatan dunia. Kasus COVID-19 terus meningkat secara ekponensial di berbagai belahan dunia. Wanita hamil juga mengalami peningkatan kejadian infeksi COVID-19. Manifestasi klinis COVID-19 bervariasi, dengan sebagian besar pasien memiliki gejala saluran pernapasan. Pasien terinfeksi covid-19 yang asimpomatis atau pasien yang terinfeksi sebelum munculnya manifestasi klinis mampu menularkan penyakit. Sehingga perlu dilakukan deteksi dini kepada semua maternal yang akan dilakukan tindakan operasi, terutama di daerah dengan kejadian inveksi COVID-19 yang tinggi. Tatalaksana anestesi pada operasi obstetri dengan COVID-19 harus memperhatikan beberapa hal dengan tujuan pengendalian infeksi untuk mencegah penularan COVID-19, kepada petugas kesehatan, anak yang baru dilahirkan serta orang lain lingkungan sekitar. Tenaga kesehatan yang terpapar COVID-19 berisiko terinfeksi apabila tidak menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD) sesuai standar, sehingga penggunaan APD sesuai standart secara benar sangat penting,untuk mencegah tertularnya COVID-19 pada petugas. Tehnik anestesi yang menjadi pilihan utama untuk operasi obstetri dengan COVID-19, adalah dengan tehnik anestesi regional (epidural dan atau spinal), karena dengan tehnik tersebut mengindari timbulnya aerosol. Tehnik anestesi umum hanya digunakan apabila : gagal dengan tehnik anestesi regional, ada kontraindikasi dengan tehnik anestesi regional atau maternal mengalami desaturasi(saturasi <93%). Apabila menggunakan tehnik anestesi umum maka dalam pelaksanaanya harus dengan prinsip pencegahan terjadinya penyebaran infeksi. Anesthesia Management for obstetric surgery with COVID-19 infected Abstract The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) is a global health problem. The number of cases of COVID-19 continue to rise exponentially in many parts of the world. Pregnant women have also increasing COVID-19 infection. The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 are varied, with most patients having respiratory symptom. The asymptomatic covid-19 infected patients or infected patients before clinical manifestations can transmit the disease. So early detection should be done for all mothers who will perform surgery, especially in areas with a high incidence of COVID-19 infection. Anesthesia management in obstetric surgery with COVID-19 must pay attention to several things with the aim of controlling infection to prevent transmission of COVID-19, for health workers, newborn babies and other people in the surrounding environment. Health workers who are exposed to COVID-19 are at risk of infection if they do not use personal protective equipment (PPE) according to the standard, so the use of PPE according to proper standards is very important, to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 to the officerExpected health workers, COVID-19, the risk of coverage, do not use personal protective equipment (PPE) according to standards, so the use of PPE according to the standard, is very important. The first choice of Anesthesia techniques for obstetric surgery in maternal COVID-19 infection are regional anesthesia techniques (epidural and or spinal), because with these techniques avoid the emergence of aerosols. General anesthesia techniques are only used if: fail with regional anesthesia techniques, there are contraindications to regional anesthesia or maternal desaturation (saturation <93). If using general anesthesia techniques, the prevention of infection is a major concern.

Copyrights © 2020

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