Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Vol 32, No 2 (2020): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan

Analisis Tailwind Penyebab Go-Around pada 38 Bandara di Indonesia dalam Periode Januari-Februari 2020

Achmad Fahruddin Rais (BMKG)
Bambang Wijayanto (BMKG)
Erika Meinovelia (BMKG)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2020


Studi ini berfokus pada analisis tailwind penyebab go-around pada 38 bandara di Indonesia dalam periode Januari-Februari 2020. Dalam studi ini dilakukan perbandingan tailwind laporan pilot, tailwind observasi permukaan (10 m), dan tailwind pada ketinggian 1000 ft untuk mengetahui akurasi tailwind yang dilaporkan oleh pilot. Literatur menyebutkan bahwa angin kecepatan tinggi di troposfer bawah berkaitan dengan wind gust yang berasal dari awan cumulonimbus (Cb). Dengan dasar tersebut maka dilakukan analisis perbandingan laporan pilot terhadap keberadaan awan Cb sampai sejauh 40 km dari runway in use dengan menggunakan kombinasi kriteria brightness temperature difference (BTD) kanal IR1-IR2 dan brightness temperature (BT) kanal IR1 citra satelit Himawari-8. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tailwind laporan pilot lebih besar daripada tailwind angin permukaan dan 1000 ft, serta kebanyakan tailwind laporan pilot tersebut berkaitan dengan potensi wind gust yang muncul dari awan Cb baik di sekitar atau di luar runway.Kata kunci: Cumulonimbus, go-around, tailwind, wind gust. AbstractAn Analysis of Go-Around-Causing Tailwind at 38 Airports in Indonesia in the Period of January-February 2020: This study focused on analyzing the tailwind that causing go-around at 38 airports in Indonesia in the period of January to February 2020. We made a tailwind comparison of the pilot report, surface observation (10 m), and observation of 1000 ft to determine the accuracy of the tailwind reported by the pilot. The literature stated that high-speed winds in the lower troposphere were related to wind gust coming from cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds, so we compared pilot report to the presence of Cb clouds as far as 40 km from the runway in use by using a combination of brightness temperature difference (BTD) IR1-IR2 channels and brightness temperature (BT) IR1 channel of Himawari-8 satellite imagery. The results showed that the tailwind of the pilot report was larger than the tailwind of surface and 1000 ft observations and most of the tailwind was related to the potential wind gust that emerged from the Cb clouds either around or outside the runway.Keywords: Cumulonimbus, go-around, tailwind, wind gust.

Copyrights © 2020

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Automotive Engineering Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Engineering Environmental Science Transportation


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