Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry (JOMSTI)
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

Konsep Dualistis dalam Pertunjukan Gender Wayang pada Pekan Seni Remaja Kota Denpasar Tahun 2015

Ni Putu Hartini (Program Studi Seni Karawitan, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Apr 2021


Purpose: This paper discusses Gender Wayang, which is one of the older Balinese gamelan types. The progress that has occurred is that the public's interest in the Gender Wayang instrument is growing due to the orientation of the function which prioritizes as a form of performance that has aesthetic elements. Research methods: Qualitative research methods are carried out by relying on field data, applied to primary and secondary data sources where the data collected is carried out through direct interviews with creators or artists. Results and discussion: One form of this performance is at Pekan Seni Remaja Denpasar (Denpasar Youth Art Week), which is presented by a group of SMPN 6 Denpasar musicians. This is interesting as well as a challenge to examine the problem of how the Dualistic Concept in the Gender Wayang Performance at the Denpasar Youth Art Week 2015. The dualistic concept in the Gender Wayang performance at the Denpasar Youth Art Week 2015 can be seen from every element in the Gender Wayang performance. Implication: This dualistic concept can be viewed from the form of the instrument or the Gamelan Gender Wayang itself and its presentation system.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Arts Social Sciences Other


Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry is a scientific media disseminating science, technology, aesthetic, and industry of music in relation to its uses in the society. JOMSTI is published with a focus on philosophy, aesthetic, concept, and theory of music; music analysis and genre; ...