Vol. 42, No. 2 (2021): August 2021

Analisis Konsumsi Embodied Energy dan Embodied Carbon pada Material Bangunan Rumah Sederhana Tipe 36

Uda, Subrata Aditama K.A. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
26 Aug 2021


Housing is a basic necessity for everyone. Each country seeks to fulfill its citizens' housing needs. One of which is done by the Indonesian government, whose program is one million houses for the needy. The negative impact of this program is in the form of extensive land exploitation and environmental damage due to construction implementation. Building material is the main element in construction activities, where the material production process consumes much energy and produces carbon dioxide (CO2). The choice of environmentally friendly material will reduce embodied energy and carbon during the building's life cycle. This study calculates the amount of embodied energy and embodied carbon on building materials used in the residential buildings of type 36 simple houses of great interest to Indonesian people. The results showed that Brick Stone, Zink Roof, Cement, and Timber materials are the dominant materials that consume more than 70% embodied energy and produce embodied carbon, around 80% of total energy. The total embodied energy in building materials is 127,714.66 MJ with carbon as much as 10,257.48 KgCO2. Based on the building area, the embodied energy is 3,547.63 MJ /m2, and carbon is 284.93 KgCO2 /m2. A large amount of energy and carbon produced by buildings will impact the high pollution of the environment, contributing to global warming.

Copyrights © 2021

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