Ar Rehla: Journal of Islamic Tourism, Halal Food, Islamic Traveling, and Creative Economy
Vol 1 No 1 (2021)


Muhammad Alhada Fuadilah Habib (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Tulungagung)
Mahyuddin Mahyuddin (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Apr 2021


Abstrak: Pariwisata, khususnya pariwisata religi, merupakan sektor yang mulai diminati oleh masyarakat akhir-akhir ini. Tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap sektor pariwisata tersebut dapat dipahami karena adanya trend budaya pamer foto/video di media sosial sebagai bentuk aktualisasi diri di dunia maya. Tingginya animo masyarakat terhadap sektor pariwisata ini, selain membawa dampak baik, seperti peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat setempat, ternyata juga membawa berbagai dampak buruk. Salah satu dampak buruk yang timbul adalah permasalahan sampah. Kementerian PUPR melalui Balai Litbang Perkim berupaya mengatasi masalah sampah dengan membangun TPS 3R di beberapa titik lokasi, salah satunya di Desa Wisata Gunungpring, Magelang. Setelah dibangunnya teknologi pengolah sampah seperti ini, tentu saja memerlukan pengelolaan dari lembaga setempat. Dalam hal ini pengelolaan teknologi TPS 3R diserahkan kepada KSM Berkah yang merupakan Bumdes di Desa Guunungpring. Setelah dikelola selama satu tahun, dilakukan upaya evaluasi untuk melihat keseuaian antara tujuan pembangunan dengan hasil di lapangan. Adapun hasil evaluasi menemukan bahwa ternyata masih ada beberapa ketidaksesuaian pengelolaan, mulai dari kualitas dan kuantitas tenaga pengelola, manajemen pengelolaan, manajemen keuangan, serta kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana dalam proses pengelolaan. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi; Pariwisata; Sampah; Kelembagaan; Pengelolaan; TPS3R. Abstract: Tourism, especially religious tourism, is a sector that has begun to be of interest to the public lately. The high public interest in the tourism sector can be implemented because of the cultural trend of photos/videos on social media as a form of self-actualization in cyberspace. The high public interest in the tourism sector, apart from having good impacts, such as an increase in the local community's economy, is also the impact of various bad impacts. One of the bad impacts that arise is the problem of waste. The PUPR Ministry through the Perkim Research and Development Center is trying to solve the waste problem by building 3R TPS in several locations, one of which is in Gunungpring Tourism Village, Magelang. After the development of waste processing technology like this, of course, it needs management from local institutions. In terms of technology management, TPS 3R is handed over to KSM Berkah, which is the Bumdes in Guunungpring Village. After being managed for one year, evaluation effort was made to see the alignment between development goals and results in the field. The results of the evaluation found that there were still some management mismatches, starting from the quality and quantity of management personnel, management, financial management, and the need for facilities and infrastructure in the management process. Keywords: Evaluation; Tourism; Garbage; Institutional; Management; TPS3R

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Economics, Econometrics & Finance Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


Ar Rehla: Journal of Islamic Tourism, Halal Food, Islamic Traveling, and Creative Economy is a scientific journal that contains writings from lecturers, researchers, students, practitioners, or other related parties regarding the study of tourism, creative economy and community empowerment that are ...