Jurnal Teknik Informatika C.I.T. Medicom
Vol 13 No 2 (2021): September: Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS)

Dynamic Pathfinding for Non-Player Character Follower on Game

Paulus Harsadi (STMIK Sinar Nusantara)
Siti Asmiatun (Universitas Semarang)
Astrid Novita Putri (Universitas Semarang)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Sep 2021


Artificial Intellegences in video game are important things that can challenge game player. One of them is creating character or NPC Follower (Non-player character Follower) inside the video game, such as real human/animal attitude. Artificial Intelligences have some techniques in which pathfinding is one of Artificial Intellegence techniques that is more popular in research than other techniques. The ability to do dynamic pathfinding is Dynamic Particle Chain (DPC) algorithm. This algorithm has the ability of flocking behavior called boid to explore the environment. But, the algoritm method moves from one boid’s point to another according to the nearest radius, then it will be able to increase computation time or needed time toward the target. To finish higher computation problem in dynamic pathfinding, the researcher suggests an algorithm that is able to handle dynamic pathfinding process through attractive potential field function of Artificial Potential Field to start pathfinding toward the target and flocking behavior technique to avoid the obstacle. Based on the test result by simulation of moving environment and complex, the computation time of algorithm is faster than comparison algorithms, DPC and Astar. It concludes that the suggested method can be used to decrease computation level in dynamic pathfinding.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT


The Jurnal Teknik Informatika C.I.T a scientific journal of Decision support sistem , expert system and artificial inteligens which includes scholarly writings on pure research and applied research in the field of information systems and information technology as well as a review-general review of ...