Jurnal Keperawatan
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017): Januari

The Influence of Teenagers’ Perception about Sex Behavior towards Their Interest in Doing Risky Sex Behavior

Titik Sumiatin (Unknown)
Hadi Purwanto (Unknown)
Wahyu Tri Ningsih (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Feb 2017


PENGARUH PERSEPSI REMAJA TENTANG PERILAKU SEKS TERHADAPNIAT REMAJA DALAM MELAKUKAN PERILAKU SEKS BERESIKOThe Influence of Teenagers’ Perception about Sex Behavior towardsTheir Interest in Doing Risky Sex BehaviorTitik Sumiatin1, Hadi Purwanto2, Wahyu Tri Ningsih3123Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya Prodi Keperawatan TubanJalan Dr. Wahidin S.H No. 2 Tuban, 623141email : bojoneahsan@yahoo.comABSTRAKRemaja mempunyai rasa keingintahuan yang tinggi, diantaranya adalah masalahseksualitas.Keingintahuan remaja tentang seksualitas disebabkan masa perkembangan remaja yangmemasuki masa pubertas yang ditandai dengan maturasi sistem reproduksi dan produksi hormon seks.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi remaja tentang perilaku seks dan niatremaja dalam melakukan perilaku seks beresiko. Penelitian menggunakan desain analitik denganpendekatan cross sectional.Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian siswa SMA wilayah kecamatanTuban sebesar 349 orang dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukandengan menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi logistic ordinal untukmenguji pengaruh antar variabel. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh persepsi terhadapintensi/niat remaja dalam berperilaku seks (p= 0,000). Jika sikap remaja memiliki persepsi positif makaremaja tidak berniat dalam melakukan perilaku seks yang beresiko. Remaja dapat mempertahankan danmeningkatkan pengetahuan dengan cara dapat memilah dan menyaring informasi yang didapat darimedia massa tentang perilaku seksKeywords: Persepsi, perilaku seks, niat, remajaABSTRACTAdolescents have high curiosity, including the issue of sexuality. Adolescent curiosity about sexuality dueto the development phase of teenagers is characterized by the maturation of the reproductive system andthe production of sex hormones. This study aims to determine the influence of perception towardadolescent intention of doing risky sexual behavior. This study used analytic design with cross sectionalapproach. The sample in this study was high school students in the districts of Tuban amounted to 349people by using simple random sampling. The data collection done by using the questionnaire. Thestatistical test used is ordinal logistic regression to examine the influence between variables. The resultshowed that there was influence adolescent attitudes toward intention in sexual behavior (p = 0.000). Ifthe adolescent has positive perception, the teen has no intention of doing risky sexual behavior. Teens canmaintain and improve the knowledge and a positive attitude so that they can sort and filter theinformation which was gathered from the mass media about sexual behavior.Keywords: Perception, adolescent, intention, risky sex behaviour

Copyrights © 2017

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Jurnal Keperawatan is a peer-reviewed journal published by School of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), which is focusing on several issues in nursing field. The first volume was published on 2010, and it is published twice a year, issued on January ...