Volume XXI, No. 2 - November 2021

IMPLIKASI HUKUM PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH KONSTIUSI NOMOR 16/PUU-XVIII/2020 TERHADAP NOTARIS SEBAGAI SAKSI DALAM KASUS PIDANA [Implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 16/PUU-XVIII/2020 towards Notaries as Witnesses in Criminal Cases]

Jamin Ginting (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Pelita Harapan)
Helfinsi Raportina (Magister Kenotariatan, Universitas Pelita Harapan)

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Publish Date
29 Nov 2021


There have been a few times attempt to cancel article 66 paragraph (1) UUJN 2014 after previously Article 66 paragraph (1) UUJN 2004 was canceled by the Constitutional Court through Decision No. 49/PUU-X/2012. With similar redactional but changing the authority of the MPD to MKN, the petitioner argued that Article 66 paragraph (1) UUJN 2014 also violates Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia where every citizen is equal before the law without exception, this principle is called equality before the law as well as Article 28D paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia which states that “everyone has the right to recognition, guarantee, protection, legal certainty and equal treatment before the law” as has been declared so for Article 66 paragraph (1) UUJN 2014. The existence of authentic deed and the appointment of a notary as a public official is the state’s effort to guarantee the constitutional rights of citizens of legal protection in document in the form of authentic deed. Notary as public officials have oaths and regulation to keep secret as regulated by laws while legal process often require notary as witness. Notaries as public officials are protected and under the care the Notary Honorary Council which established by laws and regulations to ensure that Notaries maintain the secrecy and dignity of their position. Notary shall always be in care and diligence corridor because criminal, civil, ethic sanction but above all, is morale.Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak: Pasal 66 ayat (1) UUJN 2014 telah diajukan permohonan pembatalan beberapa kali setelah sebelumnya Pasal 66 ayat (1) UUJN 2004 telah dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi melalui Putusan No. 49/PUU-X/2012. Dengan redaksional yang hampir sama, namun mengganti kewenangan MPD menjadi MKN, maka Pemohon berargumen bahwa Pasal 66 ayat (1) UUJN 2014 juga melanggar Pasal 27 ayat (1) UUD 1945, di mana setiap warga negara sama di muka hukum tanpa terkecuali, prinsip ini dinamakan equality before the law dan Pasal 28D ayat (1) UUD 1945, di mana dinyatakan bahwa setiap orang berhak atas pengakuan, jaminan, perlindungan, dan kepastian hukum yang adil, serta perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, sebagaimana telah ditetapkan demikian untuk Pasal 66 ayat (1) UUJN 2004. Adanya akta otentik dan penunjukkan Notaris sebagai pejabat umum untuk hal tersebut merupakan upaya negara dalam menjamin hak konstitusional warga negara untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum atas dokumen berupa akta otentik. Notaris sebagai pejabat publik memiliki sumpah dan aturan untuk menjaga rahasia jabatan sebagaimana diatur oleh peraturan perundang-undangan, sementara proses hukum kerapkali membutuhkan keterangan Notaris sebagai saksi. Notaris sebagai pejabat publik dilindungi dan dibina oleh Majelis Kehormatan Notaris yang dibentuk oleh peraturan perundang-undangan untuk memastikan bahwa Notaris menjaga rahasia dan martabat jabatan. Notaris dalam menjalankan jabatannya tetap harus dalam koridor kehati-hatian dengan sanksi pidana, perdata, kode etik, dan di atas itu semua adalah moral.

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Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


Law Review is published by the Faculty of Law of Universitas Pelita Harapan and serves as a venue for scientific information in the field of law resulting from scientific research or research-based scientific law writing. Law Review was established in July 2001 and is published triannually in July, ...