Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara
Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara


Biyanto, Biyanto (Fakultas Ushuluddin IAIN Sunan Ampel)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Aug 2018


This research discusses efforts to develop civic values spirit for college students. This is important to deter radicalist thought and act in education sphere, such as gangs fight, demonstration, anarchist action, and also the involvement of students in radical Islamic movement, like “Islamic Indonesian State”. As religion based on radical phenomenon occurs within society, it is important to agree upon diversity. Therefore, the civic culture should be strengthened, such as values of democracy, pluralism and multiculturalism, involving mass media, mass organization, and education institutions. Students are the most important element to be involved in developing civic culture movement. In high level education, college students could be a civic education agent to minimize potential radicalism by giving them comprehensive civic knowledge. Furthermore, the values are actuated into civic disposition action and mindset, as well as daily actuation of civic skills. The college students’ role is significantly important by referring to its historical facts, academic culture and an ability to build network. Unfortunately, nowadays, many students are trapped into practical politics and culturally trapped. While actually the cultural role of students can be effectively deter radicalism potential. The role of students is mediator of cross cultural and religion dialogue, formally and informally. Keywords: civic values, students, terrorism, deradicalisation

Copyrights © 2013

Journal Info





Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Education Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences Other


Jurnal Pertahanan & Bela Negara adalah merupakan wadah para dosen, peneliti, dan mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan kualifikasi dan kompetensi akademik, sekaligus perwujudan kontribusi intelektual terhadap perkembangan keilmuan di bidang Pertahanan dan Bela Negara melalui tulisan ilmiah baik berupa kajian ...