Jurnal Kesehatan Ilmiah Indonesia / Indonesian Health Scientific Journal
Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Vol. 6 No. 2 Desember 2021


Natar Fitri napitupulu (Universitas Aufa Royhan di kota padangsidimpuan)
Mastiur Napitupulu (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2021


ABSTRAK Durasi gadget yang berlebihan dapat mengganggu perkembangan anak, terutama pada anak usia prasekolah. Pada anak usia prasekolah perkembangan emosi merupakan salah satu sangat penting dalam perkembangan anak karena kemampuan anak dalam mengelola emosi dan mengenal emosi sangat dibutuhkan ketika anak memasuki lingkungan di sekitarnya yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku anak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah ada Hubungan Durasi Penggunaan Gadget Dengan Emosional Anak Usia Prasekolah Di Paud Naura Losung Batu Kota Padangsidimpuan. Jenis Penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan Desain penelitian croos sectional study dan jumlah Populasi penelitian sebanyak 54 orang. Tehnik pengambilan Sampel penelitian dengan tehnik snowballing sampling sebanyak 24 orang dan Uji statistik yang digunakan yaitu Chi square. Hasil penelitian mayoritas durasi gadget diperoleh 17 orang (70.8%) dan minoritas durasi gadget sebanyak 3 orang (12.5%). Diharapkan penelitian ini menambah wawasan memberi masukan dan sebagai bahan perbandingan mengenai hubungan durasi gadget dengan emosional anak khususnya penerapan mutu pelayanan kesehatan anak. Excessive duration of gadgets can interfere with child development, especially in preschoolers. In preschool age children, emotional development is very important in child development because the child's ability to manage emotions and recognize emotions is needed when children enter the surrounding environment that has an influence on children's behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was a relationship between the duration of gadget use and the emotions of preschool-age children at Paud Naura Losung Batu, Padangsidimpuan City. This type of research is quantitative using a cross sectional study design and the number of research population is 54 people. The sampling technique used was the snowballing sampling technique as many as 24 people and the statistical test used was Chi square. The results of the study were that the majority of gadget durations were obtained by 17 people (70.8%) and the minority of gadget durations by 3 people (12.5%). It is hoped that this research will add insight to provide input and as a comparison material regarding the relationship between gadget duration and children's emotions, especially the application of the quality of child health services. Keywords: Gadget Duration, Children's Emotional, Preschool

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Health Professions Medicine & Pharmacology Nursing Public Health Veterinary


Jurnal Kesehatan Ilmiah Indonesia (Indonesian Health Scientific Journal) Indonesian Health Scientific Journal is a tools of publication of research results and community service with the theme of health. This journal will be published online through the official website of University Of Aufa Royhan ...