Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL KOULUTUS


Rahma Ramadhani (Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari Tebuireng Jombang)
Dharma Bagus Pratama Putra (SMPN 2 Kepung)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Sep 2021


Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sebuah modul pembelajaran sebagai penunjang pembelajaran jarak jauh.Modul yang dikembangkan berupa modul elektronik dengan bantuan software Sigil Materi yang digunakan adalah materi pitagoras.Kriteria kelayakan modul yang digunakan adalah kevalidan, kepraktisan dan kefektifan. Model pengembangan mengacu pada model Brog n Gall, dimana terdapat dua kriteria utama yaitu perancangan modul dan validasi modul.Penilaian kevalidan modul dilakukan oleh ahli materi dan ahli media Angket yang digunakan untuk menguji kevalidan menggunakan skala Likert. Hasil ujicoba dinyatakan valid dengan skor dari ahli materi 85,67 dan skor dari ahli media sebesar 87,83. Tahap selanjutnya adalah uji kepraktisan dan keefektifan modul. Hasil uji kepraktisan mendapatkan skor 92,80 sehingga modul dinyatakan praktis. Hasil uji kepraktisan menggunakan quasi experimental dengan desain one-grup-pretest-posttest.Dari hasil ujicoba keefektifan didapatkan n-gain sebesar 58,87 sehingga modul dinyatakan cukup efektif. Dengan demikian modul elektronik interaktif berbasis sigil layak untuk digunakan sebagai modul pendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh ABSTRACT The research was conducted to develop a learning module as a support for distance learning. The developed module is an electronic module with the help of Sigil software. The material used is Pythagorean material. The eligibility criteria for the modules used are validity, practicality and effectiveness. The development model refers to the Brog n Gall model, where there are two main criteria, namely module design and module validation. The validity of the module was tested by two experts, (content experts and media experts). The questionnaire used to test the validity uses a Likert scale. The test results were declared valid with a score of 85.67 from material experts and a score of 87.83 from media experts. The next stage is to test the practicality and effectiveness of the module. The results of the practicality test got a score of 92.80 so the module was declared practical. The results of the practicality test used a quasi-experimental design with a one-group-pretest-posttest design. From the results of the effectiveness test, it was found that the n-gain was 58.87 so that the module was declared quite effective. Thus, the sigil-based interactive electronic module is feasible to be used as a distance learning support module

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Mathematics


Jurnal of Koulutus is published twice a year (March and September), contains research or reviewing on Education and learning.The authors may discuss about the teaching culture, teaching method and others teaching matters in every education levels. Journal of Koulutus is managed by LPPM of University ...