Jurnal Ilmiah Ecosystem
Vol. 21 No. 3 (2021): ECOSYSTEM Vol. 21 No 3, September - Desember Tahun 2021

Komposit Rumput Laut Dan Surimi Lele Terhadap Mutu Bakso

Halik, Abdul (Unknown)
Fatmawati, Fatmawati (Unknown)
Sutanto, Saiman (Unknown)
Laga, Suriana (Unknown)
Ramdanis, Ramdanis (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Dec 2021


Produksi rumput laut (Eucheuma cottonii) di Sulawesi Selatan meningkat signifikan dan berkontribusi terhadap total produksi di Indonesia. Namun peningkatan produksi belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal khususnya pada bidang pangan. Fakta ini sangat berkaitan dengan strategi dalam pengololahan pasca panen. Salah satu strategi pengolahan diversifikasi produk pangan yakni membuat bakso dengan surimi ikan lele. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh komposit surimi ikan lele (Clarias) dan bubur rumput laut (Eucheuma cottonii), terhadap mutu bakso. Metode penelitian eksperimen, yang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor danĀ  empat perlakuan, yaitu: faktor A sebagai perlakuan persentase bubur rumput laut (30%, 20%, 10%, danĀ  0%), sedangkan faktor B sebagai perlakuan persentase surimi lele (45%, 55%, 65%, dan 75%) dengan tiga kali ulangan. Parameter penelitian kadar protein, dan (uji sensorik dengan skalah hedonik) terhadap warna, aroma, tekstur, dan citarasa. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kandar protein bakso terendah 13,02% dan tertinggi 19,95% sehingga semua perlakuan memenuhi Syarat Mutu Bakso Ikan SNI No. 01-3818:2014. Sedangakan perlakuan 10% bubur rumput laut dan 65% surimi uji organoleptik memiliki nilai kesukaan warna (3,95/suka), aroma (3,93/suka), tekstur/kekenyalan (3,93/suka), dan citarasa (4,12/suka). Berdasarkan rerata nilai disimpulkan bahwa uji organoleptik bakso oleh panelis berada pada level suka. The production of seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) in South Sulawesi increased significantly and contributed to the total production in Indonesia. However, the increase in production has not been used optimally, in the food sector. This fact is closely related to strategies in post-harvest processing. One of the food product diversification processing strategies is the manufacture of meatballs with catfish surimi. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of the composite of catfish surimi (Clarias) and seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii), on the quality of meatballs. Experimental research method, using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two factors and four treatments, namely: factor A as the percentage treatment of seaweed slurry (30%, 20%, 10%, and 0%), while factor B as the percentage treatment catfish surimi (45%, 55%, 65%, and 75%) with three replications. Research parameters protein content, and (sensory test with hedonic scale) on color, aroma, texture, and taste. The results obtained that the lowest protein content of meatballs was 13.02% and the highest was 19.95% so that all treatments met the Quality Requirements for Fish Meatballs SNI No. 01-3818:2014. Meanwhile, the treatment of 10% seaweed porridge and 65% surimi organoleptic test had a preference value of color (3.95/like), aroma (3.93/like), texture/elasticity (3.93/like), and taste (4.12/like). Based on the average value that the organoleptic test of meatballs by the panelists, was at the level of liking.

Copyrights © 2021

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