InPrime: Indonesian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
Vol 3, No 2 (2021)

Modified Migrating Birds Optimization Algorithm: Multi-Depot Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

Dini Nur Wasilah (Jember University)
Agustina Pradjaningsih (Jember University)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Nov 2021


The multi-depot capacitated vehicle routing problem (MDCVRP) is a variation of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) modeled from distribution problems in the industrial world. This problem is a complex optimization problem in the field of operations research in applied mathematics. The MDCVRP is very interesting to discuss and find the best solution method. In this study, the authors apply the modified migrating birds' optimization (MMBO) algorithm, which is a hybrid of the migrating birds' optimization (MMBO) and iterated local search (ILS) algorithms. The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of applying the algorithm in solving MDCVRP. We used 20 MDCVRP data in simulation, grouped into four sizes (25, 50, 75, and 100 points). Based on the results of this research, it is known that the MMBO algorithm can produce the following solutions. First, on the data of 25 points, the experiment reaches the optimal value with small convergent iterations. Second, the best results on the data of 50 points have reached optimal value, but some other results have not been optimal. And, third, for data of 75 and 100 points, there is no optimal solution obtained by the MMBO algorithm. These results conclude that the MMBO algorithm effectively solves the MDCVRP problem with small data, but the bigger data, the more ineffective.Keywords: MDCVRP; VRP; optimization; operation research; applied Mathematics; MMBO. AbstrakMulti-depot capacitated vehicle routing problem (MDCVRP) adalah salah satu variasi dari vehicle routing problem (VRP) yang dimodelkan dari permasalahan distribusi di dunia industri. Permasalahan ini merupakan permasalahan optimasi kompleks dalam bidang riset operasi ilmu matematika terapan. MDCVRP sangat menarik untuk dibahas dan dicari metode penyelesaian terbaik. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menerapkan algoritma modified migrating birds optimization (MMBO) yang merupakan hybrid algoritma migrating birds optimization (MBO) dan iterated local search (ILS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hasil penerapan algoritma dalam menyelesaikan MDCVRP. Untuk simulasi, penulis menggunakan 20 data MDCVRP yang dikelompokkan menjadi empat ukuran (25, 50, 75, dan 100 titik). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diketahui bahwa algoritma MMBO mampu menghasilkan solusi sebagai berikut. Pertama, Pada data 25 titik, percobaan mencapai nilai optimal dengan iterasi konvergen yang kecil. Kedua, Hasil terbaik pada data 50 titik telah mencapai nilai optimal namun sebagain hasil lainnya belum optimal. Dan ketiga, untuk data 75 dan 100 titik, tidak terdapat solusi optimal yang dihasilkan algoritma MMBO. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa algoritma MMBO efektif untuk menyelesaikan MDCVRP data kecil, namun semakin besar datanya menjadi kurang efektif.Kata kunci: MDCVRP; VRP; optimasi; riset operasi; matematika terapan; MMBO. 

Copyrights © 2021

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Computer Science & IT Mathematics


InPrime: Indonesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics is a peer-reviewed journal and published on-line two times a year in the areas of mathematics, computer science/informatics, and statistics. The journal stresses mathematics articles devoted to unsolved problems and open questions arising ...