Journal of Midwifery
Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Published on Desember 2021

The Effects of Gedi Leaf on the Labor Process in Women Who Have the Habit of Consuming Areca Nuts

Cory Chorajon Situmorang (Health Polytechnics of Sorong, Papua Barat)
Ni Nyoman Sri Artina Dewi (STIK Sint Carolus Jakarta,DKI Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Dec 2021


Betel leaves and areca nut can form excessive connective or fibrous tissue in the submucosa. At the end of pregnancy, due to aging of the placenta, there is also a decrease in the estrogen which can affect the volume of cervical mucus which is used as an emulsifier for the delivery process to help the elasticity of the vagina and perineum. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the duration of labor in the first stage of labor in women with the habit of consuming areca nut with addition of gedi leaves and without gedi leaves. This was a preexperimental reserach in the form of intact group comparison. A sample of 28 people was divided into the experimental group (which was treated) and the control group (which was not treated). The study was carried out at the Melati Raya Health Center which is an auxiliary health center at the Remu Health Center, Sorong City, West Papua in August-November 2020. The results of the analysis used an independent T test showed a p value of 0.027 < 0.05, meaning Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It was therefore concluded that the consumption of gedi leaves can accelerate the process of labor in the active phase for those who consume betel leaves and areca nuts at the Remu Health Center, Sorong City.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Medicine & Pharmacology Social Sciences


The Journal of Midwifery (JoM) is a scientific periodical/journal maintained by Undergraduate Program of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia. This journal provides a venue for the publication of research relevant to midwives, midwifery practice and education. It ...