Jurnal Sains Boga
Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Sains Boga Volume 4 Nomor 2, November 2021

Pengaruh Lama Penyeduhan Terhadap Kualitas dan Jumlah Padatan Minuman Kopi Seduh Dingin Kopi Arabika Flores Bajawa

Rezky Haryono (Program Studi Pendidikan Tata Boga, Universitas Negeri Jakarta)
Ridawati (Unknown)
Mariani (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Nov 2021


Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world, quoted from the oec.world website (2018) with a total trade of 30.9 billion USD. Consuming coffee has many positive benefits, quoted from the journal review on health benefits and risks of coffee consumption, consuming cafeine from coffee can increase physical performance, burn fat, reduce the risk of stroke, liver and prostate cancer by 20%. Quoted from the journal acidity and antioxidant activity of cold brew (2018), cold brewed coffee drinks have lower acidity when compared to hot brewed coffee drinks with the same amount of coffee, making it a more acceptable choice for those who suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease or stomach acid) and ulcers (www.healthline.com, 2018). This research aims to examine different brewing times (6, 12, 18 and 24 hours) by examining the organoleptic quality of cold brewed coffee from various quality aspects such as aroma, flavor, balance, aftertaste, acidity, sweetness, body and total dissolved solids to expert panelists using experimental methods. The results showed that there was a sensory effect on cold brewed coffee with different brewing times. Based on research, cold brewed coffee with 24 hours of brewing time has the highest value in every aspect compared to brewing times of 6, 12 and 18 hours. Where the flavor aspect has a value of 7.02 (very good), balanced has a value of 6.93 (good), aftertaste has a value of 7.01 (very good), acidity has a value of 6.85 (good), sweetness has a value of 6, 87 (good) and body has a value of 6.97 (good). Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas yang paling sering diperdagangkan di dunia, dikutip dari website oec.world (2018) dengan total perdagangan 30.9 miliar USD. Mengkonsumsi kopi memiliki banyak manfaat positif, dikutip dari jurnal review on health benefit and risk of coffee consumption mengkonsumsi kafein dalam kopi dapat meningkatkan kinerja fisik, membakar lemak, mengurangi resiko stroke, kanker hati dan prostat sebanyak 20%. Dikutip dari jurnal acidity and antioxidant activity of cold brew (2018) minuman kopi seduh dingin memiliki kadar keasaman yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan minuman kopi yang diseduh menggunakan air panas, sehingga membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang lebih dapat diterima bagi mereka yang menderita GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease atau asam lambung) dan maag (www.healthline.com, 2018). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti lama penyeduhan yang berbeda-beda (6, 12, 18 dan 24 jam) dengan menguji kualitas minuman kopi seduh dingin dari berbagai aspek kualitas seperti aroma, flavor, balance, aftertaste, acidity, sweetness, body dan jumlah padatan terlarut kepada panelis ahli dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat pengaruh sensoris pada kopi seduh dingin dengan lama penyeduhan yang berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan penelitian, kopi seduh dingin dengan lama penyeduhan 24 jam memiliki nilai tertinggi di setiap aspek dibandingkan dengan waktu penyeduhan 6, 12 dan 18 jam. Dimana pada aspek flavor memiliki nilai 7,02 (very good), balanced memiliki nilai 6,93 (good), aftertaste memiliki nilai 7,01 (very good), avidity memiliki nilai 6,85 (good), sweetness memiliki nilai 6,87 (good) dan body memiliki nilai 6,97 (good).

Copyrights © 2021

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Education Public Health Social Sciences Other


Journal Sains Boga is a scientific journal containing various research articles and reviews related to the fields of learning, food processing, bread and cakes, business management, also nutrition and food technology. Journal Sains Boga is published two times a year in May and November Jurnal Sains ...