Vol 10 No 1 (2021): Edisi Februari


Hanif Hanif (Institut Bisnis dan Informatika kwik Kian Gie)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Feb 2021


The concept of responsibility accounting accompanies the concept of responsibility center which means that any authority given to a manager over a business unit must be accounted for by that authority, especially the authority in achieving financial targets, both revenue and expenses. The concept of responsibility center and responsibility accounting are management tools to ensure that the entrusted manager truly upholds the trust by exercising the given authority and must dare to take responsibility for that authority in the future. This concept also emphasizes that a manager cannot be held responsible by his superiors for more than the authority given to him. More than that, this concept aims not to let in the management of the organization, managers throw responsibilities at each other or "scapegoat" others to escape the responsibilities of the work unit they lead. One of the functions of accounting is a tool for financial accountability, indeed the study of responsibility accounting is part of the realm of management accounting, but in a broader sense, the financial accountability of public companies can also be called "public accountability accounting". In this section, the irony occurs, accounting as a financial accountability tool sometimes "slips" into a manipulation tool. However, research at the level of society-based economy practice seems to show that the light of responsibility accounting remains illuminating and can even be referred to as “beyond responsibility accounting", because accountability accounting is not only interpreted as a material aspect, not limited to accountability to interested parties but accountability is related to religious values, namely, all things in this world will be accounted for in the future to God. 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Economics, Econometrics & Finance Social Sciences


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