Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Edisi Agustus


Juan Marcelino (Unknown)
Mulyani (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Aug 2021


Audit delay is the length of time required by the company in completing the audit of the financial statements. This delay can affect the level of decision uncertainty from investors. However, there are still many go-public companies that are late in submitting their audited financial reports. The theories used are agency theory, signal theory and compliance theory. The sampling technique was determined based on the purposive sampling method so as to produce a total sample of 44 companies and obtained a total of 132 observations. The data analysis techniques used in this study were pooling test, descriptive statistical test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test, moderated regression test. Analysis, F test, t test, and coefficient of determination test. The t test results show that solvency has a significance value greater than 0.05, profitability, firm size, the interaction between profitability and firm size, and the interaction between solvency and firm size have a significance less than 0.05. The conclusion of this study shows that there is sufficient evidence of profitability, firm size, the interaction between profitability and firm size and the interaction between solvency and firm size has a negative effect on audit delay and there is insufficient evidence that solvency has a positive effect on audit delay. Keywords: Profitability, Solvability, Firm Size, Audit Delay. References: Amani, F. A., & Waluyo, I. 2016. 'Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Opini Audit dan Umur Perusahaan Terhadap Audit Delay (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Property dan Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2012-2014)'. 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