Jurnal ISIP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Jurnal ISIP: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Jurnalisme Lingkungan Pada Foto Berita di Media Online

Rohmadtika Dita (Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP) Jakarta)
Dwi Ratmono (Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP) Jakarta)

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Publish Date
20 Dec 2021


Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji jurnalisme lingkungan pada foto berita di media online Antarafoto. com. Isu lingkungan yang dikaji tentang perlindungan satwa liar, yaitu harimau sumatra di Provinsi Aceh. Fokus kajian jurnalisme lingkungan, yaitu poin kronik yang memberikan informasi mengenai kondisi harimau sumatra. Poin kritik dan komentar, yaitu wahana pendidikan, menumbuhkan kesadaran, dan memberikan solusi bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah semiotika Roland Barthes. Hasil analisis foto berita, yaitu denotasi menggambarkan kondisi harimau sumatra dalam proses evakuasi, perawatan, dan pelepasliaran ke habitat asli. Konotasi, menampilkan enam prosedur: trick effect, pose, object, photogenia, aestheticism, dan sintaksis. Pemilihan komposisi, objek, dan caption foto penting ditonjolkan dalam foto berita agar mudah dipahami. Mitos menekankan pentingnya proses perlindungan harimau sumatra di Aceh. Antarafoto. com menampilkan jurnalisme lingkungan dengan memberikan informasi penanganan masalah perburuan liar harimau sumatra. Terlihat dalam foto berita yang menampilkan proses evakuasi harimau sumatra oleh petugas Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Aceh, proses perawatan di Conservation Response Unit Desa Naca, Trumon, Aceh, dan proses pelepasliaran di Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser Kabupaten Gayo Lues, Aceh. Antarafoto. com belum menampilkan jurnalisme lingkungan yang mampu memberikan solusi bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam menyadari peran penting mengelola lingkungan dalam menangani harimau sumatra yang terancam punah. Kata Kunci: Foto Berita; Harimau Sumatra; Jurnalisme Lingkungan; Perlindungan Satwa LiarThis study examines environmental journalism in news photos in the online media Antarafoto.com. The ecological issue studied is the protection of wild animals, namely the Sumatran tiger in Aceh Province. The focus of the study is on environmental journalism, namely chronic points that provide information about the condition of the Sumatran tiger. Points of criticism and comments, namely a vehicle for education, raising awareness and providing solutions for the government and society. The research method used is Roland Barthes’ semiotics. The results of the analysis of news photos, namely denotations, describe the condition of the Sumatran tiger in the process of evacuating, caring for, and releasing it to its natural habitat. Connotation, showing six procedures: trick effect, pose, object, photogenic, aestheticism, and syntax. The selection of compositions, objects, and photo captions is essential to highlight in news photos so that they are easy to understand. The myth emphasizes the importance of the process of protecting the Sumatran tiger in Aceh. Antarafoto.com showcases environmental journalism by providing information on dealing with the problem of Sumatran tiger poaching. They appear in a news photo showing the Sumatran tiger evacuation process by Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) officers, the treatment process at the Conservation Response Unit in Naca Village, Trumon, Aceh, and the release process in the Leuser Ecosystem Area, Gayo Lues Regency, Aceh. Antarafoto.com has not presented environmental journalism that can provide solutions for the government and so

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Humanities Economics, Econometrics & Finance Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


Focus : Jurnal ISIP: Jurnal Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik is to publish research articles and literature studies within the field of an advanced understanding and how share of knowledge, produce new finding, sharing and collaboration in field of Communication, Politics, International ...