Jurnal Kelautan : Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Vol 14, No 3: Desember (2021)


Rendy Setiawan (Universitas Jember)
Retno Wimbaningrum (University of Jember)
Arif Mohammad Siddiq (University of Jember)
Iqbal Setiawan Saputra (Department of Biology)

Article Info

Publish Date
03 Feb 2022


ABSTRAKKima (Giant clam) merupakan kelompok kerang laut yang termasuk dalam anggota Famili Cardiidae dan Kelas Bivalvia. Kima merupakan salah satu komoditas perdagangan internasional yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Kondisi habitat Kima yang heterogen sangat menarik untuk diteliti, terutama dalam rangka memahami karakteristik habitat dan keanekaragaman spesies kerang kima di zona intertidal Pantai Bilik Taman Nasional Baluran. Untuk menentukan karakteristik habitat  yang dipilih populasi kerang kima dan keanekaramanan spesies, dilakukan metode road sampling dengan cara ‘tracking’ pada tipe-tipe habitat dan analisis karakteristik habitat mengggunakan klasifikasi analisis substrat karang laut. Karakteristik habitat yang paling disukai kerang kima adalah RCK (rocks) dengan prosentase 64.28% dan yang terendah S (sand) dengan prosentase 3.57 %. Keanekaragaman spesies kerang kima di zona intertidal pantai Bilik TNB tergolong rendah, sejumlah 4 spesies yang ditemukan yaitu Tridacna crocea, T. maxima, T. squamosa dan Hippopus hippopus. Nilai kemerataan menunjukkan hasil yang mendekati nol yang berarti ada spesies yang mendominasi dalam komunitas kerang kima yaitu spesies T. crocea yang jumlahnya mencapai 38 individu.Kata Kunci: Kima, Tanjung Bilik, Taman Nasional BaluranABSTRACTKima (Giant clam) is a group of sea shells that belongs to the cardiidae family and the Bivalvia class. Kima is one of the international trade commodities with high economic value. This heterogeneous habitat condition is interesting to study, especially in order to understand the habitat characteristics and species diversity of clams in the intertidal zone of the Baluran National Park chambers. To determine the characteristics of the habitat selected by the clam shell population and species diversity, a road sampling method was carried out by 'tracking' the habitat types and the Habitat characteristics analysis using coral reef classification. The most preferred habitat characteristics for clams are RCK (rocks) with a percentage of 64.28% and the lowest is S (sand) with a percentage of 3.57%. The diversity of species of clams in the intertidal zone of Bilik TNB beach is low, numbers 4 species were found, namely Tridacna crocea, T. maxima, T. squamosa and Hippopus hippopus. The evenness value shows a result that is close to zero, which means that there are species that dominate in the clam shell community, namely T. crocea, which number reaches 38 individuals.Keywords: Kima, Bilik Capet, Baluran National Park

Copyrights © 2021

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This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Marine and fisheries ecology and biology, Marine fisheries, Marine technology, biotechnology, Mariculture, Marine processes and dynamics, Marine conservation, Marine pollution, Marine and ...