Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Vol.10 No.2 Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia (September 2020)

Reprobation in the Belgic Confession and Other Calvinistic Confessions : A Comparative Study

Hidayat, Ina E. Muljono (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Sep 2020


Dalam pernyataan tentang doktrin pemilihan, baik Pengakuan Iman Belgic (1561) maupun Pengakuan Iman Gallican (Perancis, 1559) meneguhkan predestinasi kaum terpilih untuk hidup abadi dan preterisi kaum non-terpilih. Kesamaan yang mencolok di dalam kedua karya ini membuat sejumlah cendekiawan menganggap Pengakuan Iman Belgic sebagai “adaptasi dari Pengakuan Iman Gallican (1559),” yang sebagian besar dipersiapkan oleh John Calvin. Namun, tampaknya pernyataan tentang preterisi tidak konsisten dengan pandangan Calvin tentang predestinasi dan reprobasi yang ia kembangkan dalam edisi terakhir Institutes, tahun 1559. Untuk menelusuri (sejumlah) alasan inkonsistensi tersebut, studi ini memeriksa pelbagai pengakuan iman Calvinistis, baik yang ditulis di antara tahun 1560 maupun yang ditulis pada paruh pertama abad ketujuhbelas, pascakebangkitan Arminianisme. In their statements on the doctrine of election, both the Belgic Confession (1561) and the Gallican (French) Confession (1559) affirm a predestination to life for the elect and a preterition of the non-elect. Striking similarities in this statement in both works have led some scholars to consider the Belgic Confession to be “an adaptation of the Gallican Confession (1559),” which was prepared mainly by John Calvin. However, the statement on preterition seems to be inconsistent with Calvin’s view of predestination and reprobation which he fully develops in the final, 1559 edition of the Institutes. This study examines various Calvinistic confessions written around 1560 as well as those written during the first half of the seventeenth century, after the rise of Arminianism, in an attempt to discover the reason(s) for this inconsistency. Keywords: predestination, election, preterition, reprobation, Calvin, confession of faith

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Education Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


The Jurnal Teologi Reformed Indonesia is the P-ISSN number: 2088-5970, E-ISSN: 2442-692x Published by the Reformed Indonesia College of Indonesia Jakarta. The purpose of publishing this journal is to publish the results of scientific studies and research in the field of Christian theology, ...