Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Stethoscope

Hubungan Karakteristik Perawat dengan Penerapan Standar Proses Keperawatan di Ruang Rawat Inap

Yeni Nur Rahmayanti (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Sep 2021


AbstrakProses keperawatan merupakan metode ilmiah yang digunakan secara sistematis dan menggunakan konsep dan prinsip ilmiah untuk mengkaji serta mendiagnosa masalah kesehatan pasien, merumuskan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, menentukan tindakan dan evaluasi mutu serta hasil asuhan keperawatan. Proses keperawatan akan mendorong para perawat untuk melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan yang semestinya, sesuai dengan masalah dan kebutuhan pasien. Karakteristik perawat dapat dinilai dari pengetahuan, pendidikan, dan lama kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik perawat (pendidikan, lama kerja dan pengetahuan) dengan penerapan standar proses keperawatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dan desain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini meliputi sebanyak 80 perawat di ruang rawat inap RSUD Karanganyar dan teknik menggunakan Simple random sampling sebagai tehnik pengambilan sampelnya.Dari tiga variabel yang diteliti terhadap karakteristik perawat menyatakan ada hubungan dengan penerapan standar proses keperawatan yaitu pendidikan (r=0,002), lama kerja (r=0,009) dan pengetahuan (r = 0,004).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara karakteristik perawat dengan penerapan proses keperawatan di rumah sakit(r0,05). Dari tiga variabel yang diteliti terhadap karakteristik perawat menyatakan ada hubungan dengan penerapan standar proses keperawatan yaitu pendidikan (r=0,002), lama kerja (r=0,009) dan pengetahuan (r = 0,004). Kata kunci : karakteristik perawat, standar proses keperawatanNurse Characteristic to the Implementation of Nursing Process Standard on Inpatient RoomAbstractNursing process is a scientific method that is used systematically and employs scientific concept and principle to assess and diagnose patient’s health problems, formulate goals to be achieved, determine actions and evaluate the quality and results of nursing care. Nursing process will encourage nurses to carry out proper nursing care, according to the problems and needs of the patients. Knowledge, education, and seniority are used to assess nurse characteristic. This research was aimed to examine the relationship between nurse characteristic (education, seniority, and knowledge) to the application of nursing process standard. The study employed descriptive analytic using cross sectional research design. The sample of this study was 80 nurses on inpatient room at RSUD Karanganyar that was conducted by simple random sampling. According to the three variables been studied, the characteristic of nurse stated that there is a relationship with the application of nursing process standard, were education (r = 0.002), seniority (r = 0.009), and knowledge (r = 0.004). Result of this study indicates that there is a relationship between nurse characteristic to the implementation of nursing process in hospitals(r0.05). Also, there is a relationship between the nurse characteristic to the implementation of nursing processes standard; are education (r = 0.002), seniority (r = 0.009), and knowledge (r = 0.004).Keywords: nurse characteristic, nursing process standard

Copyrights © 2021

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Stethoscope is a scientific journal contains research publication in nursing science. The focus and scope of Stethoscope is in the field of Nursing Science with the following themes: -Medical surgical nursing -Maternity nusing -Mental health nursing -Nursing communication -Community nursing -Nursing ...