Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (JISIP)
Vol 11, No 1 (2022)


Jefri Tri Kristiyono (Universitas Panca Marga)
Imam Sucahyo (Universitas Panca Marga)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Apr 2022


In Probolinggo City because of this pandemic and also PPKM which rose to level 4 this has caused the rate of layoffs to increase this applies to job seekers due to policies from the government many companies disable companies and temporarily do not open job vacancies this causes an increase in unemployment in Probolinggo City This study aims to determine the role of the Probolinggo City Job Training Center to reduce unemployment during the pandemic. With this training, it is hoped that it will reduce unemployment due to this pandemic. The type of research used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The focus of the research discussion is the implementation of job training during the pandemic with 2 indicators, namely training methods and training objectives. The research was conducted at the Probolinggo City Job Training Center, with the interview method to collect data. The results of this research are that in the implementation of job training carried out by the Probolinggo City Job Training Center, it succeeded in reducing unemployment by applying 60% practice training methods, 40% theoretical training participants could Practicing what the training instructor teaches, the goal of the Probolinggo City Job Training Center is achieved by collaborating with PT Eratex, the participants are competent, one of which is sewing, modes can immediately get a job, this indicator has succeeded in reducing unemployment in the pandemic Di Kota Probolinggo  karena pandemi ini dan juga PPKM yang naik ke level 4 ini hal ini menyebabkan tingkat Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja meningkat hal ini berlaku untuk para pencari kerja dikarenakan kebijakan dari pemerintah banyak perusahaan menonaktifkan perusahaan dan sementara tidak membuka lowongan pekerjaan hal ini menyebabkan adanya peningkatan pengangguran di Kota Probolinggo Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Probolinggo untuk mengurangi pengangguran di masa pandemi. Deangan adanya pelatihan ini diharapkan bisa mengurangi adanya pengangguran karena adanya pandmei ini. .Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Penelitian Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Deskriptif. Fokus pembahasan penelitian yaitu pelaksanaan pelatihan kerja dimasa pandemi dengan 2 indikator yaitu Metode pelatihan dan tujuan pelatihan. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Probolinggo, dengan metode wawancara untuk mengambil data.Hasil Penelitian ini yaitu dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan kerja yang dilakukan pihak Balai Pelatihan Kerja Kota Probolinggo berhasil mengurangi pengangguran dengan penerapan metode pelatihan 60% praktek, 40% teori para peserta pelatihan bisa mempraktekkan apa yaang diajarkan oleh Instruktur platihan, tujuan Balai Latihan Kerja Kota Probolinggo tercapai dengan kerjasama dengan PT Eratex para peserta kompeten salah satunya kejuruan menjahit, modes bisa langsung mendapat pekerjaan indikator tersebut berhasil mengurangi pengangguran di pandemi

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media Social Sciences


JISIP Journal of Social and Political Science is published three times a year (April, August and December). Article published in JISIP is an article based on the results of research (priority), and articles on scientific reviews of contemporary phenomena in the field of Social and Political Science, ...