Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology
Vol 3 No 1 (2014): June 2014


Article Info

Publish Date
22 Aug 2015


Kurikulum yang diterapkan Sekolah Dasar (SD) menggunakan pendekatan tematik integratif (Integratif Thematic). Media pembelajaran dengan pendekatan tematik integratif belum banyak dikembangkan, sehingga perlu dikembangkannya media pembelajaran alternatif.  Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk menghasilkan produk media video pembelajaran dengan pendekatan tematik integratif tema indahnya kebersamaan kelas IV SD serta mengevaluasi kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan media video tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan model Borg & Gall yang meliputi tahap studi pendahuluan, pengembangan dan pegujian produk video pembelajaran.                          Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media video pembelajaran  sudah layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran oleh guru maupun siswa. Berdasarkan beberapa tahapan uji coba, media video pembelajaran tersebut dikategorikan valid, praktis, dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Perolehan rata-rata hasil validasi pada aspek isi dan tampilan media skor rata-rata 4,39 dan 4,03 dalam kategori sangat baik dan baik, Hasil uji ketuntasan belajar menunjukkan zhitung = 2,36 ≥ ztabel = 1,65, artinya siswa telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal Primary School Curriculum implemented an integrative thematic approach . This research problem is how to develope the media that used in integrative tematic approach. This research aims to produce instructional video media with a thematic  approach integrative theme of togetherness, beauty fourth grade and evaluate the validity, practicability and effectiveness of the video media. The method used is the research model development Borg & Gall which includes the step of preliminary studies, development and test of instructional video products. The results showed that the instructional video media is feasible to be used in learning by teachers and students. Based on the several stages of the trial, the media instructional videos are categorized valid, practical, and effective use in learning. Obtaining the average results of the validation on aspects of media content and display an average score of 4.39 and 4.03 in the category of very good and good, mastery learning test results showed z data is 2.36 more than tabel=1.65, meaning that the student has achieve mastery in classical learning

Copyrights © 2014

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Computer Science & IT Education


Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology is a primary source for academics and professionals in the fields of digital educational and training technology throughout the world. This Journal is published by Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang. This Journal receives and ...