Jurnal Didaktik Matematika
Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Didaktik Matematika

Pembelajaran Matematika Sekarang dan yang akan Datang Berbasis Karakter

Hasratuddin Hasratuddin (Universitas Negeri Medan)

Article Info

Publish Date
11 Sep 2014


Education through learning with heart is an attempt to humanize humans. When human behaviour today does not show as a caliph who keep the peace in life, and life as a shortcut behaviour deemed inappropriate, then the system needs to be reformed education and teaching. A mathematical model of learning that form a logical thinking skills, critical, creative, consistent and growing confidence and character is a student-centered learning, among others through the stages constructive, interactive, and reflective.

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Education Mathematics


Jurnal Didaktik Matematika is a periodical academic journal that is published by Master Program of Mathematics Education, Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh incorporating with Himpunan Matematika Indonesia (Indonesian Mathematical Society/IndoMs) and Research Institute of Syiah Kuala University as ...