Jurnal Teknologi
Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Teknologi


Muchiar, Muchiar (Unknown)
Mahmud, Kisman H. (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
10 Jan 2014


Simpangan vibrasi dari sebuah objek, yaitu membran bundar yang bervibrasi, telah diteliti untuk divisualkandengan menggunakan metoda Time-average Electronic Speckel Pattern Interferometry. Objek dikopeldengan corong suara, yang dihubungkan dengan generator bunyi, dimana frekuensi dan teganganluarannya dapat diatur. Frekuensi vibrasi objek adalah sama dengan frekuensi luaran generator bunyi.Sedangkan simpangan vibrasi objek dikontrol oleh tegangan luaran dari generator bunyi. Perekamandilakukan dengan kamera CCD dan citra spekel hasil rekaman untuk setiap sequen disimpan di dalamfile-file tersendiri di dalam komputer. Dengan metoda ini, disyaratkan waktu perekaman atau shuttingtime dari kamera CCD haruslah lebih panjang daripada perioda getaran objek. Substraksi dilakukan antaracitra spekel membran pada saat bervibrasi dengan citra spekel membran saat belum bervibrasi. Pada penelitianini telah diamati visualisasi untuk rentang frekuensi antara 300 Hz sd. 1500 Hz dengan setiap kaliperubahan sebesar 50 Hz. Visualisasi hasil substraksi memperlihatkan bahwa tidak setiap tahapanfrekuensi menunjukkan pola simpangan. Hanya pada frekuensi-frekuensi tertentu saja diperoleh citra dengankualitas frinji yang memuaskan.Deviation of vibration from an objectthat is a vibrating circular membrane was studied andvisualisedusing time-averaged Electronic Speckel Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) method. The object was coupledwith a sound microphone that was connected to a sound generator, which frequency and outer tensionwere adjustable. The frequency of objectvibration was similar to the output frequency of soundgenerator. Meanwhile, the deviation of objectvibration was controlled by the output frequency of soundgenerator. Recording process employed a CCD camera andspeckel images as recorded every sequencewere saved in separate files in computer. This method requires the recording time or shutting-timefromCCD camera to be longer than the period of object vibration. Substraction was calculated between thespeckel images of membrane duringvibration and those before vibration. This study observedvisualisationat a frequency range of 300 Hz to 1500 Hz with 50 Hzstepsin between. The result ofsubstractionwas visualised, and it shows that there were frequency steps withoutdeviation patern. Onlycertain frequencies produced images with satisfactory fringe quality.

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Computer Science & IT Engineering


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