Jurnal Al-Hakim : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Studi Syariah, Hukum dan Filantropi
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): November 2020


Risma Nur Isnaini (IAIN Surakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 Sep 2020


ABSTRACT This study discusses the problem of muamalah in Mrisen Village, Juwiring District, Klaten Regency in renting rice fields using oyotan and bawonan systems. The data of this research were obtained through interviews with parties involved in the rice field rental contract with the oyotan and bawonan system, and through documentation. In conducting research, the method used in this research is the method of field research or field research and the data is analyzed using the deductive method. This research uses contract theory, ijarah theory, and mukhabarah theory. The results showed that the implementation of the oyotan and bawonan system, namely renting rice fields with harvest counts and giving the harvest, as long as the rental period was managed by the tenants, the maintenance costs were borne by the tenants, but in the middle of the agreement there was an addition of oyot and the rice fields were managed by the land owner for an uncertain period. According to the wishes of the land owner and the owner still receives the agreed amount of bawonan (harvest). In this practice, there are two contracts, namely the ijārah and mukhābarah contracts. So in Fiqh Muamalah the oyotan system should not be implemented because it contains gharar or it is unclear the end of the lease period. Keywords: Bawonan; Ijārah; Oyotan.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang persoalan muamalah di Desa Mrisen Kecamatan Juwiring Kabupaten Klaten dalam sewa-menyewa sawah yang menggunakan sistem oyotan dan bawonan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan para pihak yang terkait dalam akad sewa-menyewa sawah dengan sistem oyotan dan bawonan, dan melalui dokumentasi. Dalam melakukan penelitian, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode field research atau penelitian lapangan serta data dianalisis dengan metode deduktif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori akad, teori ijārah, serta teori mukhābarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan sistem oyotan dan bawonan yaitu sewa menyewa sawah dengan hitungan panen dan pemberian hasil panen, selama masa sewa dikelola penyewa maka biaya perawatan ditanggung penyewa, namun di tengah perjanjian terjadi penambahan oyot dan sawah dikelola pemilik lahan untuk jangka waktu yang tidak menentu sesuai keinginan pemilik lahan serta pemilik tetap menerima bawonan (hasil panen) sesuai jumlah yang disepakati. Dalam praktek tersebut terjadi dua akad yaitu akad ijārah dan mukhābarah. Maka dalam Fiqh Muamalah sistem oyotan tidak boleh dilaksanakan karena mengandung gharar atau ketidakjelasan berakhirnya waktu sewa. Kata Kunci: Bawonan; Ijārah; Oyotan.

Copyrights © 2020

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Religion Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Jurnal Al-Hakim is a Student Scientific Journal published by the Fakultas Syariah Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta. Jurnal Al-Hakim is published twice a year (May and November). Jurnal Al-hakim aims to facilitate and disseminate innovative and creative ideas from students who ...