Indonesian Journal of Animal Agricultural Science (IJAAS)
Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Animal Agricultural Science (IJAAS)

Acidity Level and Cooking Mark Beef Nugget With Different Types of Flour

Harapin Hafid (Halu Oleo University)
Yulianti Yulianti (Halu Oleo University)
Astriana Napirah (Halu Oleo University)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Jul 2022


The study aimed to know physic and organoleptic characteristic of beef nugget using different flour. The variable of this study were physic characteristics and organoleptic characteristics. The treatment of this study used different as a filler, were wheat flour, maizena flour, jack fruit seeds flour, and tapioka flour. The data analysis of the study using fully randomized design and least significantly different (LSD) test as post hoc. The result of the study showed using of different flour were wheat flour, maizena flour, jack fruit seeds flour, and tapioka flour, was not significanly different (p>0,05) for pH, cooking lost, aroma, color, and acceptability beef nugget, but very significantly different (p<0,01) for beef nugget flavor, and significantly different (p<0,05) for tenderness and texture of beef nugget.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


Indonesian Journal of Animal Agricultural Science (IJAAS) merupakan jurnal ilmiah memfokuskan penerbitan hasil riset di bidang Ilmu Peternakan dan Pertanian, biologi dan ...