Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak
Vol 9 No 2 (2014)


Fajar Hardoyono (STAIN Purwokerto)
Kikin Windhani (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Jul 2014


Abstrak: Para wanita dikenal dengan urusan domestik seperti melahirkan, merawat anak-anak dan keluarga, dan menyediakan layanan seksual pada pasangannya. Namun, peran luar biasa dan kontribusi perempuan telah terekam oleh sejarah. Namun mayoritas penerima anugerah Nobel adalah laki-laki, perempuan luar biasa telah dianugerahi Nobel. Empat puluh tujuh dari 862 perempuan di berikan pemenang Hadiah Nobel atas kontribusi yang banyak terhadap manusia dan kemanusiaan dalam bidang fisika, kimia, kedokteran, sastra dan perdamaian. Meskipun kontribusi dalam kompetisi pemenang Nobel itu hanya 5%, itu menunjukkan bahwa peran dan kontribusi perempuan tidak hanya dalam urusan dalam rumah tangga, tetapi juga potensi pengembangan ekonomi, budaya, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, politik, dan sastra. Prestasi pendidikan yang lebih tinggi adalah aktor utama bagi perempuan untuk meningkatkan peran dan kontribusi mereka kepada dunia. Abstract: The women are famous with the domestic affairs such as giving birth, taking care children and family, and to provide sexual services to couples. However, extra ordinary role and contribution of women has been recorder by the history. The Nobel laureates recipients, however the majority of them were men, the extra ordinary women has been awarded the Nobel laureates. Forty seven of 862 women were awarded Nobel laureates due to due to more contribution to the human and humanity in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. Although the contribution in the Nobel laureate’s competition was only 5%, it shows that the role and contribution of women is not only in domestic affair, but also is potential for development of economy, culture, science and technology, politics, and literature. The higher education achievement is the main actor for women to increase their role and contribution to the world. Kata Kunci: Perempuan, Peran, Kontribusi, dan Peraih Nobel.

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Religion Social Sciences


Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak is published by Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) Islamic State University (UIN) Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto. This journal is published twice a year every June and December. We accept articles with the theme of education and gender, religion and ...