Indonesian Journal of Cancer
Vol 11, No 1 (2017): Jan-Mar

Hubungan antara Tingkat Gejala Depresi dengan Stadium Kanker Payudara di Poli Onkologi Satu Atap (POSA) RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya


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Publish Date
10 Oct 2017


ABSTRACTA diagnosis of breast cancer raises a meaningful stress and can get depressed. By knowing the emotional state of breast cancer patients who experience symptoms of depression after being diagnosed, treatment can be done in a comprehensive manner with the hope of treatment can be wor optimally. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of depression symptoms with breast cancer stage in POSA RSDS. Type of research is observational analytic on breast cancer patients first visit POSA RSDS June-July 2016. This research use questionnaire BDI-II to measure the subject's sympto ms of depression. Analytical test used is the Spearman Correlation. Results, obtained 43 subjects entirely women with most age range 45-59 years (60.5%), educational history most high school(41.9%), and most work as housewives (74.4%). 46.5% dominated by stage III, and 62.8% BDI-II results with no symptoms of depression. Analytical test indicates a weak relationship (Sig. 0.009 < 0.396, rs = 0.05). A weak relationship between variables because distribution of uneven stage; the majority of the BDI-II showed no symptoms of depression, acceptance phasebetween subjects against the conditions of his illness, researchers estimate the condition of the spirituality subject is good and can affect the subject's emotional condition conducive for researchers. Spirituality subject of research is good to make the subject of the research arose from slump, and the subject of more religious, positive support from family, positive support from fellow cancer survivors who have been healed. Conclusion, there is a relationship between depression symptoms with the staging of breast cancer. ABSTRAKDiagnosis kanker payudara menimbulkan stres yang bermakna dan dapat mengalami depresi. Dengan mengetahui keadaan emosional pasien kanker payudara yang mengalami gejala depresi setelah didiagnosis, dapat dilakukanpengobatan secara komprehensif dengan harapan pengobatan dapat berjalan secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat gejala depresi dengan stadium kanker payudara di Poli Onkologi Satu Atap RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya (POSA RSDS). Jenis penelitian adalah analitik observasional pada pasien kanker payudara kunjungan pertama POSA RSDS bulan Juni – Juli 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner BDI-II untuk mengukur gejala depresi subjek. Uji analitik yang digunakan adalah Spearman Correlation. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 43 subjek, seluruhnya wanita dengan rentang usia terbanyak 45 – 59 tahun (60,5%), riwayat pendidikan terakhir terbanyak SMA (41,9%), dan pekerjaan terbanyak sebagai ibu rumah tangga (74,4%). Sebanyak 46,5% didominasi stadium III dan 62,8% dengan hasil BDI-II tidak ada gejala depresi. Uji analitik menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah (Sig.0,009 < 0,396, rs = 0,05). Hubungan yang lemah antara variabel dikarenakan distribusi stadium tidak merata, mayoritas hasil BDI-II menunjukkan tidak ada gejala depresi, dalam fase acceptance (menerima) antara subjek terhadap kondisi sakitnya. Peneliti memperkirakan kondisi spiritualitas subjek cukup baik sehingga dapat memengaruhi kondisi emosional subjek peneliti untuk kondusif. Kondisi spiritualitas subjek penelitian yang cukup baik membuat subjekpenelitian bangkit dari keterpurukan dan subjek lebih religius. Dukungan positif diperoleh dari keluarga dan sesama penderita kanker yang telah sembuh. Kesimpulannya, terdapat hubungan antara tingkat gejala depresi dengan stadium kanker payudara.

Copyrights © 2017

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Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Immunology & microbiology Medicine & Pharmacology Public Health


Indonesian Journal of Cancer is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal. This journal is published quarterly (in March, June, September, and December) by Dharmais Cancer Hospital - National Cancer Center. Submissions are reviewed under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical ...