Sharia Agribusiness Journal
Vol 1, No 1 (2021)

Intensitas Petani Muzaki Membayar Zakat Padi (Studi Kasus Kabupaten Indramayu)

Lilis Imamah Ichdayati (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)
Rizki Adi Puspitasari (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 May 2021


Indonesia's agricultural potential of 7.46 million hectares (ha) is managed by 33.4 million farmers, so that the average land ownership is 0.22 ha / farmer (classified as poor smallholder farmers). Rich farmers with agricultural land> 3 ha are only 5.03%, potentially capable of giving zakat (muzaki). So that the potential for zakat from the agricultural sector even though it looks large, is also a pocket of poverty with 58.73% of smallholders and agricultural laborers, who have the potential to be mustahik. The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of muzaki farmers, the application of zakat on rice and the factors that influence zakat muzaki farmers in Indramayu Regency. The results showed that the respondent farmers who had rice fields above 0.5 ha were able to harvest 42 kw / ha of rice (exceeding the rice ratio of 750 kg of rice). Respondent farmers who pay zakat on rice with their own awareness are 70% (muzaki). The muzaki farmers who regularly pay their zakat every year are 58%. Most muzaki farmers pay their zakat in the form of rice directly to their relatives / neighbors and the mosque around the house because of the element of convenience, being close to the house, they can directly monitor its use. The amount of zakat on rice issued is based on community habits, namely 1 tonne of unhulled rice, 1 kw of grain zakat is issued, indicating that the level of zakat paid is 10%. There are two factors that influence the awareness of zakat, namely the knowledge of tithe faith and the practice of zakat.Keywords: rice zakat, rice zakat level, rice nisab, muzaki, mustahik ABSTRAK Potensi pertanian Indonesia seluas 7,46 juta hektare (ha) dikelola oleh petani 33,4 juta orang, sehingga rata-rata kepemilikan lahan 0,22 ha/petani (tergolong petani gurem yang miskin). Petani kaya dengan lahan pertanian >3 ha hanya 5,03 % saja, berpotensi mampu berzakat (muzaki). Sehingga potensi zakat dari sektor pertanian meskipun terlihat besar, namun juga merupakan kantong kemiskinan dengan 58,73 % petani gurem dan buruhtani, yang berpotensi sebagai mustahik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami karakteristik petani muzaki, penerapan zakat padi dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi petani muzaki berzakat di Kabupaten Indramayu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani responden yang memiliki luas sawah di atas 0,5 ha mampu memanen padi 42 kw/ha (melebihi nisab padi 750 kg beras). Petani responden yang membayarkan zakat padi dengan kesadaran sendiri ada 70 % (muzaki). Petani muzaki yang rutin membayarkan zakatnya setiap tahun ada 58 %. Sebagian besar petani muzaki membayarkan zakatnya dalam bentuk beras langsung ke kerabat / tetangganya dan masjid sekitar rumah karena unsur kemudahan, dekat rumah, dapat langsung memantau pemanfaatannya. Besaran zakat padi yang dikeluarkan berdasarkan kebiasaan masyarakat yaitu 1 ton gabah dikeluarkan zakatnya 1 kw gabah, menunjukkan kadar zakat yang dibayarkan sebesar 10%. Terdapat dua faktor yang memengaruhi kesadaran berzakat yaitu pengetahuan keimanan berzakat dan pengamalan berzakat.Kata Kunci: Zakat padi, kadar zakat padi, nisab padi, muzaki, mustahik.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Economics, Econometrics & Finance Transportation


Sharia Agribusiness Journal is an academic journal published by Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This scientific periodical focused on agribusiness studies particularly with Islamic perspective published twice a year (May and November). ...