JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)
Vol 5, No 4 (2022): October


Siva Putri Setyaningtias (Universitas Jember)
Dinda Putri Prameswari (Universitas Jember)
Dwi Rizky Ardi Putra (Universitas Jember)
Ferdi Hidayatullah (Universitas Jember)
Yudha Nurdian (Universitas Jember)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Oct 2022


Abstrak: Telur asin merupakan telur mentah yang diolah melalui proses pengolahan dan pengasinan. Keuntungan dari proses pengasinan adalah meningkatkan cita rasa dari telur, yakni masir atau berpasir yang terdapat pada kuning telur. Peluang bisnis telur asin cukup besar sehingga diharapkan dapat berkembang dengan pesat khususnya di Dusun Rekesan Timur. Tujuan dari produksi telur asin yaitu menciptakan peluang dalam pengembangan ekonomi berkelanjutan pascaerupsi Semeru dan sebagai aksi ketahanan pangan berkearifan setempat, memanfaatkan telur bebek untuk diolah menjadi produk telur asin yang memiliki nilai jual yang lebih tinggi. Metode yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa KKN untuk pelaksanaan pengembangan telur asin melalui beberapa kegiatan diantaranya menggali potensi UMKM, Survey dan melalukan inovasi pembuatan telur asin, sosialisasi, dan pendampingan melalui digital marketing. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengembangan diantaranya produk telur asin, kemasan produk dari karton, poster produk, dan foto studio mini untuk membantu melancarkan proses pemasaran serta pendampingan melalui platform digital marketing seperti Facebook, Google Maps, WhatApps Business yang diharapkan dapat memaksimalkan penjualannya dan produk telur asin Dusun Rekesan Timur lebih dikenal luas.Abstract: Salted eggs are raw eggs that are processed through a processing and salting process. The advantage of the salting process is that it enhances the taste of the egg, which is the gritty or gritty content of the egg yolk. The salted egg business opportunity is quite large so it is hoped that it will develop rapidly, especially in the East Rekesan Hamlet. The purpose of salted egg production is to create opportunities for sustainable economic development after the Semeru eruption and as an action for food security with local wisdom, utilizing duck eggs to be processed into salted egg products that have a higher selling value. The method used by KKN students for the implementation of salted egg development is through several activities including exploring the potential of MSMEs, surveying and carrying out salted egg making innovations, socialization, and assistance through digital marketing. The results obtained from development activities include salted egg products, product packaging from cardboard, product posters, and mini photo studios to help expedite the marketing process and assistance through digital marketing platforms such as Facebook, Google Maps, WhatApps Business which is expected to maximize sales and egg products. salty Dusun Rekesan Timur is more widely known.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info







Journal of Character Education Society (JCES) | ISSN 2614-3666, is one of the devotion journals managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and published every January and July. The publication of JCES aims to disseminate conceptual thinking and ...