ARTCHIVE: Indonesia Journal of Visual Art and Design
Vol 3, No 1 (2022): ARTCHIVE : Indonesia Journal of Visual Art and Design


Richard Vans (Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang)
Roza Muliati (Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jul 2022


Pandemi Covid-19 adalah sebuah bencana kemanusiaan yang turut mengubah tatanan social dan cara manusia berinteraksi. Fenomena interaksi manusia yang terjadi di ruang publik dalam masa pandemic inilah yang diangkat ke dalam penciptaan karya street photography dengan judul “Pandemi di Ruang Publik dalam Street Photography.” Karya ini secara khusus menyoroti fenomena pandemic di ruang public yang terjadi di kota Bukittinggi sebagai salah satu kota wisata di Sumatera Barat yang sebelum masa pandemi selalu ramai dikunjungi wisatawan domestic dan mancanegara. Penciptaan karya foto ini menggunakan pendekatan street photography dengan teknik jukstaposisi yaitu penempatan objek foto secara berdampingan untuk menciptakan situasi yang kontras atau memberi perbandingan. Dalam proses penciptaan, ada beberapa tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu persiapan gagasan, perwujudan, dan editing. Hasil dari penciptaan karya yang semuanya dilakukan di masa pandemi menunjukkan kegagapan masyarakat dalam beradaptasi di tengah situasi pandemic yang ditampilkan dalam sebuah pameran dengan konsep frame hitam minimalis. Kata kunci: Pandemi, Ruang Public, Street Photography, Jukstaposisi. ABSTRACT The phenomenon of a pandemic in the public sphere is an exciting issue to be documented. This paper aims to explain the creation of a photographic work entitled Pandemic in the Public Space in Street Photography, which responds to a pandemic situation that creates a new order of interaction patterns in public spaces. The phenomenon of interaction that occurs in public areas during this pandemic was brought up in the creation of street photography works. This work explicitly highlights the pandemic phenomenon in public spaces that happened in the city of Bukittinggi, one of the tourist cities in West Sumatra. This photo creation uses a street photography approach with a juxtaposition approach, namely the placement of photo objects side by side. In the creation process, there are several stages, namely the preparation of ideas, embodiment, and editing. The results of the creation of works that were all done during the pandemic show the stuttering of the community in adapting in the midst of a pandemic situation which was displayed in an exhibition with a minimalist black frame concept.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


Indonesia Journal Of Visual Art And Design welcomes full research articles in the area of Visual Art and Design from the following subject areas: Design History, Art History, Visual Culture, Design Methodology, Design Process, Design Discourse, Design and Culture, Sociology Design, Design ...