Perspektif : Kajian Masalah Hukum dan Pembangunan
Vol. 27 No. 3 (2022): Edisi September


Lorensia Resda Gestora (Magister Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya)
Dwi Tatak Subagiyo (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya)
Hari Wibisono (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
06 Sep 2022


Problematika hukum dalam pertimbangan hakim untuk memutus perkara Sertipikat Hak Milik diterbitkan tanpa objek yang membatalkan Putusan PTUN Makassar Nomor 49/G/2018/PTUN.Mks. merupakan kelemahan sistem peradilan kita, khususnya Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara yang tidak mengkaji objek sengketa. Hakim memutuskan sengketa hanya berdasarkan bukti administratif yang ada, mengingat lembaga ini telah memberikan kepercayaan penuh kepada badan pertanahan nasional sebagai lembaga yang berwenang menerbitkan sertipikat. Sehingga terkait objek sengketa, hakim hanya dapat memutus berdasarkan keterangan dari Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Bahwa pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara SHM yang diterbitkan tanpa obyek yang membatalkan Putusan PTUN Makassar Nomor 20/B/2019/PTTUN.Mks, berdasarkan pengajuan memori banding sebagai dalam Putusan PTUN Makassar Nomor 49/G/2018/PTUN.Mks, tanggal 29 November 2018, Hakim PTUN Makassar telah menerima kasasi karena terbukti pemohon banding pertama telah habis masa berlakunya atau kadaluarsa.Legal problems in the judge’s consideration to decide cases of certificates of property rights issued without an object that invalidates the Makassar Administrative Court Decision number 49/G/2018/PTUN.Mks. is a weakness of our judicial system, especially the state administrative court which does not examine the object of dispute. Judges decide disputes only based on existing administrative evidence, considering that this institution has given full trust to the national land agency as the institution authorized to issue certificates. So that regarding the object of the dispute, the judge can only decide based on information from the National Land Agency. That the judge’s consideration in deciding the case for certificates of property rights issued without an object invalidating the Makassar Administrative Court Decision Number 20/B/2019/PTTUN.Mks, based on the filing of a memorandum of appeal as stated in the Makassar Administrative Court Decision Number 49/G/2018/PTUN MKS, dated 29 November 2018, the Makassar Administrative Court Judge has accepted the cassation because it was proven that the first appeal applicant had expired or expired, then the plaintiff filed a cassation, because he felt that the cassation court had lost.

Copyrights © 2022

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Humanities Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice


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