Kosala : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): KOSALA : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan


Anastasia Lina Dwi Nursanti (RUMAH SAKIT Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 May 2022


Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap pelayanan merupakan salah satu indikator penting dalam mengukur dan mengembangkan suatu sistem penyediaan pelayanan. Kepuasan pelanggan berhubungan dengan kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan. Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan penurunan angka kunjungan pasien di rumah sakit. Hal ini terjadi karena terdapat proses pelayanan kesehatan yang berubah, pembatasan jumlah pasien sebagai upaya menghindari kerumunan, serta diterapkannya langkah pencegahan standar, identifikasi awal, dan pengendalian sumber virus. Hal ini dapat membuat pelanggan memiliki pandangan lain terhadap rumah sakit sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien terhadap layanan rumah sakit. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien pada layanan rumah sakit di masa pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien pada layanan rumah sakit di masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien yang melakukan kunjungan ke RUMAH SAKIT Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO. Sampel pada penelitian adalah pasien yang melakukan kunjungan ke ruang rawat inap dan rawat jalan RUMAH SAKIT Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO selama periode bulan Juli-Agustus 2021. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat yang disajikan dalam distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebesar 61,2% pasien menyatakan puas pada pelayanan dokter, 63,3% pasien puas pada pelayanan perawat. Pada pelayanan administrasi, sebesar 79% pasien puas pada pelayanan pendaftaran, 75,7% pasien puas pada pelayanan kasir/asuransi, dan 76,2% pasien puas pada pelayanan farmasi/obat. Pada fasilitas rumah sakit sebanyak 72% puas pada kebersihan ruangan, 76,2% puas pada kebersihan toilet dan aliran air, 75,7% puas pada fasilitas tempat ibadah, 77,1% puas pada fasilitas lift, 77,6% puas pada fasilitas petunjuk arah, 75,7% puas pada fasilitas penerangan ruangan dan suhu udara, 50% puas pada fasilitas wifi, 78% puas pada fasilitas tempat parkir, 73,4% puas pada keamanan rumah sakit, 71,5% puas pada pelayanan gizi, serta 54,2% puas pada pelayanan ambulan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar pasien menyatakan puas dengan pelayanan Rumah Sakit Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO di masa pandemi Covid-19, yang meliputi pelayanan dokter, perawat, pelayanan administrasi dan fasilitas rumah sakit.   Kata kunci: kepuasan pasien, layanan rumah sakit, pandemi covid-19.   The level of customer satisfaction with services is one of the important indicators in measuring and developing a service delivery system. Customer satisfaction is related to the quality of service provided. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a decrease in the number of patient visits at the hospital. This happened because there were changes of the health care process, limiting the number of patients in an effort to avoid crowds, as well as implementing standard prevention measures, early identification, and controlling the source of the virus. This can make customers have another view of the hospital so that it can affect patient satisfaction with hospital services. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research to determine the level of patient satisfaction in hospital services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study is aims to find out the level of patient satisfaction in hospital services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is a descriptive analytic study with retrospective data collection. Subjects of this study were all patients who visited Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO HOSPITAL. The sample in this study were patients who made visits to the inpatient and outpatient wards of Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO HOSPITAL during the period July-August 2021. The analysis used is univariate analysis which is presented in the frequency distribution. Result showed that  61.2% of patients said they were satisfied with the doctor's service, 63.3% of the patients were satisfied with the nurse's service. In administrative services, 79% of patients are satisfied with registration services, 75.7% of patients are satisfied with cashier/insurance services, and 76.2% of patients are satisfied with pharmacy/drug services. In hospital facilities, 72% are satisfied with the cleanliness of the room, 76.2% are satisfied with the cleanliness of the toilet and water flow, 75.7% are satisfied with the facilities for places of worship, 77.1% are satisfied with the elevator facilities, 77.6% are satisfied with the facilities. directions, 75.7% satisfied with room lighting facilities and air temperature, 50% satisfied with wifi facilities, 78% satisfied with parking facilities, 73.4% satisfied with hospital security, 71.5% satisfied with nutrition services, and 54.2% satisfied with the ambulance service. The conclusion is most of the patients expressed satisfaction with the services of Dr. OEN KANDANGSAPI SOLO HOSPITAL during the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes services for doctors, nurses, administrative services, and hospital facilities.   Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, hospital services, patient satisfaction   Korespondensi: Lilik Sriwiyati, STIKES PANTI KOSALA, Jl. Raya Solo-Baki KM. 4. Gedangan, Grogol, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. Email : lilik.sriwiyati@gmail.com. 085600783445.

Copyrights © 2022

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Health Professions


The focus of this journal is the dissemination of information related to health and nursing. The scope of this journal is clinical studies of nursing, research, literature review, nursing education and the nursing community. Knowledge covered includes basic nursing, child nursing, medical surgical ...