Journal of Applied Geospatial Information
Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)

Fish Catch Results Related to Temperature and Chlorophil in Western Waters of Sumatera

Ewin Handoco S (University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar / Water Resource Management / beginner research / Sangnawaluh Street #4, Siopat Suhu Village, Siantar Timur District. Province of North Sumatera. Area Code: 21139)
Ria Retno Manik (University of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar / Water Resource Management / beginner research / Sangnawaluh Street #4, Siopat Suhu Village, Siantar Timur District. Province of North Sumatera. Area Code: 21139)
Jogi Arleston (Batubara Government Service Fisheries and Farm)

Article Info

Publish Date
19 Oct 2022


The western waters of Sumatera are one of the waters that have the potential of coastal and ocean resources. Oceanographic factors that can be related to high productivity in waters are SST (Sea Surface Temperature) and the distribution of chlorophyll concentration. Sibolga waters are geographically quite strategic, because they are located in the Indian Ocean, most of the catch is landed at the Sibolga Nusantara Fisheries Port. This Study aims to understand the trend of fluctuations in fish catches in the The Waters of Western Sumatera, to examine the effect of chlorophyll on fish catches in the waters of West Sumatera. Sea surface temperature and monthly chlorophyll-a concentrations were obtained from the result of the Aqua Modis months in 2021. Monthly data and data on fishing results were obtained from the Sibolga Nusantara Fisheries Port. The composition of catches in the western waters of Sumatera which landed at PPN Sibolga in 2021there three dominant fish species, namely Cakalang (Katsuwonis Pelamis) 11.655.768 Kg, Layang (Decapterus Sp) 4.589.147 (19,95%), Tembang (Sardinella sp) 2.421.523 (10,53%), the variation of fish catch per unit (CPUE) ;anded at PPN 2021. The Highest occurred in may at 3.809 kg/trip and the lowest occurred in November 1.521,58 kg/trip and the average monthly CPUE in 2021 was 5.105,88kg/trip. Monthly variations of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the waters of for 12 months (2021) the lowest temperature occurred in August, namely 26,88 0C while the highest temperature in February was 30,92 0C, the highest consentration was in May of 1,56 mg/m3 while the lowest occurred in March at 0,15 mg/m3.

Copyrights © 2022

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Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Earth & Planetary Sciences Engineering Environmental Science Physics


Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI) is a national and international peer review journal published by Politeknik Negeri Batam. The JAGI is issued 2 times a year in electronic form, publishes Original Research Articles (full papers and short communications) and Review (full and mini ...