Jurnal Al-Ijtimaiyyah
Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Jurnal AL-IJTIMAIYYAH


Raka Galih Sajiwo (Universitas Terbuka Semarang)
Novie Purnia Putri (Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2022


Abstract: The current Covid-19 pandemic has affected most of the community's activities. The impact of the pandemic is felt by all sectors, including the economic, religious and social sectors. One of the social fields that have felt the effects of this pandemic is the social worker profession. Social work is a profession whose activities are often in the field to meet with clients. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has made social workers unable to carry out their interventions and roles optimally. The intervention and the role of social workers are also one of the keys to the success or failure of providing social services to clients. One of the LKSAs in Sleman Regency, namely the Rumah Impian Foundation LKSA, has a child social worker. Similar to the child social workers of the LKSA Rumah Impian Foundation, interventions and roles as social workers are felt to be lacking during the pandemic. The method used in this study uses a qualitative approach. Collecting data by observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the intervention of social workers in the form of home visits, in-depth assessments and advocacy. Not only that, the role of child social workers at the Rumah Impian LKSA is as a broker, advocate and counselor. The intervention and role of child social workers are also quite adaptable to the initial conditions of the pandemic until now.Keywords:  Intervention; Role; Child Social Workers; LKSA Rumah Impian Foundation.Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 saat ini menyebabkan sebagian besar kegiatan masyarakat terkena oleh dampaknya. Dampak adanya pandemi dirasakan oleh semua sektor, baik sektor ekonomi, keagamaan dan sosial. Bidang sosial yang merasakan efek pandemi ini salah satunya adalah profesi pekerja sosial. Pekerja sosial merupakan salah satu profesi yang kegiatannya sering ke lapangan untuk bertemu dengan kliennya. Adanya pandemi Covid-19 membuat pekerja sosial tidak dapat melaksanakan intervensi dan perannya secara optimal. Intervensi maupun peran pekerja sosial juga menjadi salah satu kunci berhasil tidaknya memberikan pelayanan sosial kepada klien. Salah satu LKSA yang ada di Kabupaten Sleman, yakni LKSA Yayasan Rumah Impian mempunyai seorang pekerja sosial anak. Sama halnya dengan pekerja sosial anak LKSA Yayasan Rumah Impian, intervensi serta peran sebagai pekerja sosial dirasa kurang saat pandemi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi pekerja sosial berupa home visit, asesmen mendalam dan advokasi. Tak hanya itu, peran pekerja sosial anak LKSA Yayasan Rumah Impian ada tiga, sebagai broker, advokat dan konselor. Intervensi dan peran pekerja sosial anak juga cukup beradaptasi pada kondisi awal pandemi sampai sekarang ini.Kata Kunci: Intervensi; Peran; Pekerja Sosial Anak; LKSA Yayasan Rumah Impian.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Religion Humanities Social Sciences


Journal Al-Ijtimaiyyah is an open access journal that contributing to publishing various research results and literature review in the field of Islamic community development and social welfare. The journal welcomes the new idea and concepts on the community development field to be published ...