Indonesian Journal of Legality of Law
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Legality of Law, Desember 2022


Deddy Randa (Kepolisian Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan)
Ruslan Renggong (Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Bosowa)
Baso Madiong (Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Bosowa)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2022


Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memilih pekerjaan spesialis dari direktorat penilaian pidana yang unggul dalam penilaian pelanggaran administrator hukum, pencegahan kepada ahli dari direktorat penilaian pidana yang unik dalam menangani gatekeeper. Metode investigasi yang digunakan adalah penilaian pedoman pengendalian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan Pasal 36 Undag-Undang No 42 Thn 1999 tentang Jaminan Wali karena pemindahan objek pengamanan administrator hukum di Polda Sulawesi Selatan sangat diharapkan oleh masyarakat dari kepolisian. Dalam mengungkap suatu pertunjukan pelaku kejahatan memindahkan objek penjagaan keamanan, seharusnya sesuai dengan pasal 36 Undamg-undang No 42 Thn 1999 tentang keamanan administrator hukum, karena pasal tersebut mengatur rencana permainan penjahat dengan memperdagangkan objek penjaga gerbang. keamanan. Selain itu, para ahli dalam mengelola contoh-contoh perpindahan benda jaminan penyelenggara hukum dapat diandalkan menerapkan Pasal 36 UU No. 42 Thn 1999 tentang keamanan administrator hukum, mengingat bagian-bagian yang diselesaikan oleh pihak yang bersalah telah memenuhi bagian-bagian pasal 36, maka ahli menerapkan pasal tersebut kepada pelaku perdagangan barang jaminan penjaga. Kendala dan cobaan para ahli dalam mengungkap barang bukti tindak pidana pemindahan objek pengamanan gatekeeper di Polda. Kekusutan yang terlihat oleh para analis dalam pelanggar hukum menunjukkan memindahkan objek penjaga keamanan adalah unik, tetapi apa yang sering dihadapi para ahli dalam kasus-kasus pemindahan objek keamanan administrator hukum adalah pelepasan tersangka, orangnya campur aduk, keberadaannya dari pihak yang bersalah gelap, dan kurungan tidak dapat diselesaikan. Hambatan ini dilihat oleh spesialis berdasarkan perdagangan objek penjaga gerbang keamanan, karena dalam kasus ini tersangka banyak waktu lepas landas dan tidak datang ketika dirakit oleh analis atau sebelum primer. This study means to choose the occupation of specialists of the excellent criminal assessment directorate in the assessment of legal administrator infringement, the preventions to the experts of the one of a kind criminal assessment directorate in dealing with gatekeepers. The investigation method used is controlling guideline assessment. The results show that the execution of Article 36 of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees because of moving the object of legal administrator security at the South Sulawesi Police is especially expected by people from the police. In uncovering an evildoer show of moving the object of watchman security, it ought to be according to article 36 of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning legal administrator security, since that article controls the crook game plans by virtue of the trading of the object of gatekeeper security. Additionally, experts in managing examples of thing move of legal administrator guarantees reliably apply Article 36 of Law no. 42 of 1999 concerning legal administrator security, in light of the fact that the parts finished by the guilty party have fulfilled the parts of article 36, the expert applies the article to the offender of the trading of the object of the watchman guarantee. Obstacles and tries of experts in uncovering the criminal exhibit of moving the object of gatekeeper security at the. The tangles looked by analysts in the law breaker showing of moving the object of watchman security are unique, but what experts much of the time face in occasions of moving the object of legal administrator security are the suspect removing, the person is jumbled, the whereabouts of the guilty party are dark, and confinement can't be finished. These obstructions are looked by specialists by virtue of the trading of the object of gatekeeper security, because in these cases the suspect much of the time takes off and doesn't come when assembled by the analyst or before the primer

Copyrights © 2022

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Humanities Education Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice Social Sciences


Indonesian Journal of Legality of Law is a peer-review scholarly Law Journal issued by Postgraduate Bosowa University which is purported to be an instrument in disseminating ideas or thoughts generated through academic activities in the development of legal science (jurisprudence). Indonesian ...