Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JAMER (Jurnal Akuntansi Merdeka)

Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengelolaan Dana Desa (Desa Kare, Kecamatan Kare, Kabupaten Madiun)

Nurharibnu Wibisono (Universitas Merdeka Madiun)
Fatchur Rochman (Universitas Medeka Madiun)
Esa Nurwanti Nurwanti (Universitas Medeka Madiun)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Jun 2022


It research aims to examine the influence of community participation, transparency & accountability in the supervision of dorp funds in Kare Village, Kare District, Madiun Regency. The sample in it research were village officials and RTs. Searching for main data through spread out questionnaires to the study sample. The data obtained were tested with regression of multiple linear studies. Study results show the variable of social participation has no effect on the supervision of village funds, the variable of transparency has an influence on the management of dorp funds, the variable of accountability has an effect on the management of dorp funds and the variables of community participation, transparency and accountability have an influence on the supervision of dorp funds. Adjsted R2 has a mark of 55.1%, which means that the variable of village fund supervision is affected by community participation, transparency and accountability while the rest 44.9% is the influence of other reasons not included in this research.

Copyrights © 2022

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance


JAMER : Jurnal Akuntansi Merdeka Terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Maret dan September Memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian konseptual analisis kritis ilmu Akuntansi, Auditing, Perpajakan, dan dan Akuntansi Sektor ...