Journal Focus Action of Research Mathematic (Factor M)
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)

Profil Literasi Matematika Siswa SMP dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Berdasarkan Prestasi Belajar Matematika

Muzayyanatul Jannah (IAIN Kediri)
Dwi Shinta Rahayu (IAIN Kediri)
Eka Resti Wulan (IAIN Kediri)

Article Info

Publish Date
14 Dec 2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan literasi matematika siswa SMP dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita berdasarkan prestasi belajar matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data adalah tes tertulis dan wawancara. Penelitian ini diambil di SMP Negeri 1 Kandat dengan subjek berjumlah 6 orang. Keabsahan data dicek melalui triangulasi teknik dan member check. Data dianalisis melalui tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan prestasi belajar tinggi mampu merumuskan, menggunakan, dan menafsirkan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada seluruh level literasi matematis. Subjek berprestasi belajar sedang mampu merumuskan, menggunakan, dan menafsirkan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita level literasi matematis 1-2 dan 3-4 saja. Pada level 5-6, subjek tidak mampu menggunakan konsep matematika secara tepat. Subjek berprestasi belajar rendah hanya mampu merumuskan, menggunakan, dan menafsirkan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada level literasi matematis 1-2 saja. Pada level lainnya, subjek tidak mampu menggunakan konsep dan prosedur matematika secara tepat.   This study aimed to describe Junior High Schools Students’ mathematical literacy in solving word problem based mathematics learning achievement. This research was a descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through written tests and interviews. This research took place in SMP Negeri 1 Kandat, with 6 subjects. The validity of the data was checked by using triangulation technique and member check. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and verification.  The results showed that students with high learning achievement were able to formulate, employed, and interpreted when solving word problem for all level of mathematical literacy. Student with Moderate learning achievement were able to formulate, employed, and interpreted when solving word problem for level 1-2 dan 3-4 of mathematical literacy. In solving problem for level 5-6, subjects failed to employed mathematical concept. Subjects with low learning achievement were able to formulate, employed and interpreted when solving word problem only for level 1-2 of mathematical literacy. For other levels, subjects failed to employed mathematical concepts and procedures.

Copyrights © 2022

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Education Mathematics Other


Journal Factor M focuses on the main issues in mathematics education and applied mathematics. In addition, Journal Factor M also discusses issues that generally exist in the field of mathematics ...