JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)
Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Januari


Hambali Hambali (Universitas Riau)
Hariyanti Hariyanti (Universitas Riau)
Ahmad Eddison (hariyanti@lecturer.unri.ac.id)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Jan 2023


Abstrak: Pemilihan umum (pemilu) serentak 2024 semakin dekat, salah satu strategi KPU sebagai penyelenggara pemilu untuk mendongkrak angka partisipasi masyarakat adalah melalui program kader desa peduli pemilu dan pemilihan. Program ini berintikan pada pemberdayaan masyarakat desa/kelurahan untuk menjadi fasilitator Pendidikan pemilih bagi sesama. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat (PKM) yang dilakukan oleh dosen PPKn Universitas Riau di Kota Dumai. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah Sosialisasi dan Diskusi kepada masyarakat yang telah dilantik dan diberikan Amanah sebagai kader desa peduli pemilu dan pemilihan. Sosialisasi dimulai dengan penjabaran aturan hukum mengenai program, tujuan dan apa peran penting yang dapat dimainkan oleh kader sebagai fasilitator Pendidikan pemilih sedangkan Diskusi dimulai dengan kegiatan brainstorming, ceramah dan tanya jawab. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan pada akhir kegiatan didapati hasil sebagai berikut (1) kader menjadi lebih memahami peran dan fungsinya sebagai fasilitator Pendidikan pemilih; (2) kader menjadi lebih termotivasi dalam melaksanakan tugasnya.Abstract: The 2024 simultaneous general elections (elections) are getting closer, one of the KPU's strategies as election organizers to boost the community participation rate is through the village cadre program that cares about elections and elections. This program is based on empowering rural/kelurahan communities to become facilitators of voter education for others. This program is similar to the volunteer democracy program that was launched ahead of the 2014 and 2019 elections, but the difference lies in the burden of work and funding. This paper is the result of community service activities (PKM) carried out by a PPKn lecturer at Riau University in Dumai City. The method used in this service activity is socialization and discussion to the community who have been appointed and given the mandate as village cadres who care about elections and elections. The socialization begins with the elaboration of the legal rules regarding the program, its objectives and what important role can be played by cadres as facilitators of voter education, while the discussion begins with brainstorming, lectures and question and answer activities. Based on the survey conducted at the end of the activity, the following results were found: (1) cadres have a better understanding of their roles and functions as facilitators of voter education; (2) cadres become more motivated in carrying out their duties.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info







Journal of Character Education Society (JCES) | ISSN 2614-3666, is one of the devotion journals managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and published every January and July. The publication of JCES aims to disseminate conceptual thinking and ...