JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)
Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Januari


I Nyoman Nugraha Ardana Putra (Universitas Mataram)
Hery Susanto (Universitas Terbuka)
Nengah Sukendri (IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Jan 2023


Abstrak: Desa Sekotong Barat saat ini telah ditetapkan menjadi desa wisata dan memang sudah semenjak lama menjadi destinasi wisata unggulan bagi Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Kawasan ini merupakan daerah yang identic dengan pantai dan alam laut indah yang menyimpan sejuta kekayaan biota maupun mineral didalamnya. Tidak berlebihan jika daerah ini dkatakan sebagai salah satu ikon wisata bahari di Lombok Barat. Namun demikian daerah ini kerap kali mengalami bencana seperti banjir, pasang air laut dan gempa bumi. Ditambah lagi saat ini adanya bencana non alam yaitu COVID-19 Tentu hal tersebut menjadi masalah dan sekaligus tantangan bagi pelaku jasa wisata di Sekotong Barat. Perlu kiranya untuk membuat konsep dan strategi pariwisata saat pandemi serta memberi rasa aman kepada para pengunjung untuk dapat menikmati Desa Sekotong Barat di saat pandemi.Solusi yang ditawarkan berdasar permasalahan tersebut adalah melakukan studi tentang konsep desa wisata di era pandemi dan menentukan strategi pengembangan desa wisata. Selain itu diberikan strategi untuk BUMDes dan Pokdarwis serta aparat desa yang akan mengembangakan bisnis wisata. Upaya melakukan tersebut maka dilakukan kegiatan survey  untuk mempertajam strategi yang akan dipilih. Selain itu dilakukan sosialisasi hasil studi dalam bentuk penyerahan berkas hasil studi kepada aparat desa.Abstract:  Sekotong Barat Village has now been designated as a tourist village and has long been a leading tourist destination for West Lombok Regency. This area is synonymous with beautiful beaches and natural seas that store a million wealth of biota and minerals. It is no exaggeration to say that this area is one of the icons of marine tourism in West Lombok. However, this area often experiences disasters such as floods, high tides, and earthquakes. In addition, currently, there is a non-natural disaster, namely COVID-19. Of course, this is a problem and, simultaneously, a challenge for tourism service actors in West Sekotong. It is necessary to create tourism concepts and strategies during a pandemic and provide a sense of security for visitors to enjoy Sekotong Barat Village during a pandemic. Based on these problems, the solution offered is to study the concept of a tourist village in the pandemic era and determine a tourism village development strategy. In addition, plans give for BUMDes and Pokdarwis and village officials who will develop the tourism business. Survey activities then carry out efforts to do to sharpen the strategy to be chosen. In addition, the socialization of study results gift out in the form of submitting study results to village officials.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info







Journal of Character Education Society (JCES) | ISSN 2614-3666, is one of the devotion journals managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and published every January and July. The publication of JCES aims to disseminate conceptual thinking and ...