SEUNEUBOK LADA: Jurnal ilmu-ilmu Sejarah, Sosial, Budaya dan Kependidikan
Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Seuneubok Lada


Johan Robert Saimima (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Apr 2018


This article attempts to discuss about social history as an important part of the new Indonesianhistoriography. Through writing this article a perspective of social history is described to provideknowledge and a critique of political history which is so famous, as well as introducing the writing ofsocial history as a comprehensive history.Author discusses social history with political history in the rapidly growing Indonesianhistoriography, then as a critique of the political history that laudes great people, displayed socialhistory as history that takes sides to the populist or marginal in the society. Social history is veryrelevant to be developed more widely in Indonesia, because the context of Indonesian society arethose who are most marginalized people, such as: farmers, fishermen, laborers, the homeless, etc.In order to develop a social history, the interdisciplinary approach can be used in writing.With this process, the social science concepts can be used to strengthen the explanation andinterpretation

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Humanities Social Sciences Other


The Seuneubok Lada journal only publishes scientific works resulting from empirical and theoretical research to develop science. The focus of the Seuneubok Lada Journal is the field of historical education, social history and culture. History education includes the study of history education in ...