EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology
Vol 6 No 3 (2023): March 2023

Policies of Leaders of Boarding Schools in the Development of Educational Institutions

Meinggita Cahya Wulandari (Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri KH.Achmad siddiq Jember (UIN KHAS Jember))
St Rodliyah (Universitas Islam Negeri KH.Achmad siddiq Jember (UIN KHAS Jember))
Zainal Abidin (Universitas Islam Negeri KH.Achmad siddiq Jember (UIN KHAS Jember))

Article Info

Publish Date
14 Mar 2023


This study aims to describe 2 main things, namely the development of educational institutions at the Mambaul Huda Sumberurip Siliragung Banyuwangi boarding school. (2) The policy of the pesantren leadership in developing educational institutions at the Mambaul Huda Sumberurip Siliragung Banyuwangi boarding school.This research uses a qualitative method as for the reason the research uses qualitative methods because in this study, the researcher is also an instrument in collecting data about the leadership policy in developing educational institutions, so the researcher has a very large role, because what happens during the research needs further description in writing the report. From the data obtained and the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that: (1) The development of educational institutions in the Mambaul Huda Islamic boarding school has been fairly developed from previous years due to the increasing number of students, the increase in institutional buildings and business fields. (2) The policy of the pesantren leadership in developing educational institutions at the Mambaul Huda Islamic boarding school, namely still maintaining religious learning which is still religious in nature.

Copyrights © 2023

Journal Info





Religion Education Mathematics Other


Edutec, Journal Of Education And Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online ...